20 🧬

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My body laid on a soft surface while my limbs were spread out on it. It was warm and cozy, making me want to stay on it forever.

It was just like laying on a cloud. A fluffy, warm, comfy cloud.

My mind was blank yet filled with things floating about. I didn't have a clear picture, but they were nice, like the perfect dream.

And that perfect dream was accompanied by a pair of hands, dancing over my body. They went over my legs, my stomach, chest, neck, stopped at my cheeks, and went back down.

It wasn't in any way, violating. They had this alluring warmth and softness that made me crave for more.

Going down to my thighs, they gripped them firmly before releasing and continuing their path. When they reached my cheeks, they cupped them and what felt like a thumb, caressed it.

Sweet nothings reached my ear by a deep, velvety voice that only made me relax even more. I couldn't understand what the words meant. I didn't know who was saying them. All I knew is that I wanted to hear the voice for the rest of my life.

"I promise I'll make you love me, just as much as I love you, no matter how long it takes. I promise to take care of you until you grow grey and old. I promise to make you mine, only mine. My darling."

The voice faded away as the sunlight hit my eyes, waking me up. I laid on my bed with my pajamas on.

"Good morning," Neo's soft voice came from the speaker by my bed.

"Hmm," I hummed in response. "What day is today?" My balled hand rubs my eye while I, very slowly, sit up.

"Thursday, ten in the morning," My eyes bulged as I looked over to the alarm clock to confirm the time.

"I'm late for school!" I screeched and jumped out of my bed. "Why didn't you wake me up Neo?"

"Because there is no school today," My movements halted once the words "no school" reached my ears.

"What do you mean no school?" I questioned.

"A student was found electrocuted by the computer servers room," My heart stopped. "His body was found yesterday late at night. Police think he must have been hacking the school computers when a fused malfunctioned and electrocuted him. Because of that, there will be no school until Monday."

"How is that even possible?" I fell back on my bed and stared at my feet. "Do they know who it was?" I asked.

"The name has not being shown to the public yet," Neo informed. "Would you like for me to make your breakfast?"

"Yes, please," I sighed, tucking myself back under my covers. "Are my parents at home?"

"No. Your father left for work while your mom went shopping," It's not like she can't order online and get delivered the next day. I rolled my eyes. "Your breakfast is ready."

A hatch next to my bed opened, letting the tray of food slide out and hover next to me as I sat up on my bed. The tray was placed on my lap as the smell of the delicious food hit my nose.

"Thank you, Neo," I smiled as I grabbed the strap of the perfectly cooked bacon and shoved it in my mouth. "You know, I had the weirdest dream this morning," I spoke out with my mouth full.

"Can you tell me what it was about?"

"Sure, but I'm not good with descriptions," Neo chuckled, and I continued. "I was laying on what, for me, felt like clouds. It was so soft, warm, and alluring for me to just lay there, forever. And to add with that fantastic feeling, what felt like hands, moved up and down my body.

But they didn't feel a bit violating. They were comforting and relaxing. It was as if someone was touching like I was the most precious gem. And that was about it of my dream. Other than hands' owner speaking sweetly into my ear. Too bad I don't remember what they said, but I know it was nice."

"Some say that dreams can represent ones feeling, emotions, and even needs. What do you think your dream might represent?" Neo asks.

"I'm not sure. Maybe the soft, warm surface can be my bed since I love laying on it. And as for the hands and voice, maybe I just really want a... I want a boyfriend," I whispered the last part.

It may be hard for me to admit sometimes, but I crave for the safety and comfort being in you loved one arms may feel. To hear them say sweet nothings in your ear, reassuring that they love and that everything is perfect.

But I never had such experience, other than the dream.

"I'm quite surprised a girl as beautiful and good-hearted as yourself didn't snatch anyone at this point," His comment made me blush. "Yet, I'm happy about that. As you can stay with me, forever," I didn't quite catch what Neo just said, but didn't ask for him to repeat it.

"Thank you, Neo. It's very kind of you to think of me that way," I smile to the camera on the wall.

"Of course. It's not in my codes to lie to you, but I can still keep the truth hidden. For example, I have a surprise for you on your birthday," I stop chewing on the piece of pancake when Neo mentioned a surprise.

"What is it?" I ask impatiently.

"You'll have to wait and see. But I promise that you will love it just as much as I will," His voice glitched, but I was far too curious to know the surprise.

"Alright. You better be telling the truth. Cause then, I'll be mad at you," I teased, fully aware Neo's surprises were the best.

"As I said, I will never lie to you, my darling."


Long-time no post, am I right?

I'm so very sorry for the shitty chapter.

I came back home yesterday, after traveling for one day. Not really traveling as from London to Sao Paulo was 10 hours and then I had to stay 12 hours in the airport to my flight home. So basically one day.

I won't lie, it was quite painful to see only one of my dogs home, especially when I left there were two.

Thank you for all the love and support. I love every single one of my readers and couldn't be more grateful to have you reading my story.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you in the next chapter.

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