9 🧬

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"I'm sorry guys, but I'm team Draco," I announced once we finished the third movie.

"Oh my God, how are you my best friend?" Alice places her hand over heart faking hurt.

"So you're Slytherin?" Daniel asks me.

"Yeah bro, even though I didn't get it on the Pottermore quiz," Everyone laughs. I don't remember my house, but it wasn't Slytherin.

"Well, I'm Gryffindor!" Jordan throws her hands up and does a little dance as she lays on the couch.

"What a weirdo," Alex snickers to Daniel. Jennifer and Alice gasp and start to hit both. "You bitch!" He shouts as Alice hits his arm. He jumps on her and holds her down with his hand on her wrists that were over her head as he sat on her thighs.

"You can't call my friend a weirdo," Alice sneers. Daniel, on the other hand, managed to hold Jennifer without much of a hassle.

"Kiss already," I say. Alice and Alex blush and gets off her. "You know, I'm going to use it as blackmail later," I tease.

"How? You didn't film it," Alice says as if she was free.

"I didn't, but Neo did," I point at the multiple cameras visible in the cinema room.

"Doesn't it bother you that you don't really have a sense of privacy?" Jennifer asks.

"I mean, he is a program, not a person, so it's okay. I'm not bothered by it," I shrug. I've grown up with Neo monitoring my life, so it doesn't bother me, I know he is not going to take advantage of it.

"It's creepy. But he acts human-like, doesn't he?" Jordan asks.

"I mean, he speaks like it," I shrug. I know it's their first time experiencing something like this, and it may seem invasive, but Neo isn't going to use any information he gathers against them.

"Let's watch the Goblet of Fire one," Jordan said.

"Neo, can you play the fourth movie, please?" I ask.

"Of course, my darling," He responds, and the movie starts.

"Not creepy at all," Daniel comments.

After the movie, we made a fort out of pillows and blankets that were in the cinema room. We were in a circle, to my right was Daniel, Alice next to him, Jordan next to her, Alex next to her, and Jennifer next to him and to my left.

"Let's play... Truth or dare!" Alice pipes up.

"Alright, but we need a bottle or something," Jennifer agrees.

"Neo, can you get me an empty glass bottle?" I lift the blanket and shout. A mechanical arm comes from the wall with a glass bottle in its claws. "Thank you," I grab the bottle and let the blanket fall back. I turned around and saw everyone staring where I grabbed the bottle with their eyes wide. "Do you guys want to play or not?"

They snap out of their daze and get closer to each other.

"I'll start!" I give the bottle to Alice who places it on the ground. She turns the bottle, that ends up pointing at Jennifer. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Jennifer says feeling confident.

"Who is your secret crush?" With that, she crumbles down to a shy girl. "Come on. You need to tell us," Alice pushes on.

"Please don't tell me, especially you two," She points at Daniel and Alex. They nod, and she takes a deep breath. "It's Ethan," Us girls stare at her wide-eyed before jumping on her.

"I knew it!" Jordan cheers.

"You bitch! You should've told me! I would've set you guys up!" Alice slaps her arm as punishment.

"Get off me! You're heavy," We get off and give her playful glares.

"What a meany," I mumble before we break into giggles.

"Girls," Alex and Daniel roll their eyes as they speak at the same time.

"My turn," Jennifer grabs the bottle and spins it, stopping in front of Alice. She smiles evilly at her and asks. "Truth. Or. Dare?"

"Dare," Alice smirks and raises one eyebrow.

"I dare you to kiss Daniel," I don't know why, but my heart clenches a bit. I may or may not have a small crush on Daniel, even when he is an asshole.

"Oh God," Daniel exhales. Alice goes over to him on her knees and sits on his lap. My heart hurts more as she wraps her arms around his neck and his around her waist. I feel something tug my shirt and turn around to see it was one of Neo's arms.

"I'll be right back. Neo needs me," I don't wait for them to respond and walk out of the fort and room. I run to the nearest bathroom and sit on the ground with my back against the wall.

"Your heart rate dropped, so I thought it was better to take you out of there," Neo speaks inside of the bathroom.

"Thank you," I say barely above a whisper.

"Can you tell me what happened? I wasn't able to see what you were doing under the blanket," I take a deep breath and try my best not to cry.

"I think you heard it. Alice was dared to kiss Daniel, and she was climbing on his lap when you pulled me away," I explain looking down.

"Go to your room, I have something for you there," I stand up wiping a tear that left my eye and go to my room. "I've told your friends you are in the bathroom," I nod and enter my room. The door closes behind me and a hatch open from my ceiling. A small arm comes down and drops a ring on my hand.

It was a snake ring that fits perfectly on my ring finger. It was silver that went around two times. It was charming.

"What's this for?" I ask examining it on my finger

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"What's this for?" I ask examining it on my finger.

"A gift."


Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to update soon.

Oh ooh, someone hurt Elizabeth. What do you think is going to happen?

What do you guys think the ring is for?

Go check out my new story in the chapter called I need your help in my Naga story. Comment there if you want the story.

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'See' you on the next chapter.

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