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"You need to stop ditching school, Calum." Luke's voice was stern. Calum rolled his eyes.

"Get off my case, holy shit. Go hang out with Ashton if you're gonna act like a bitch right now, because I can't handle that right now, Luke. Honestly."

Then Luke snapped.

"A bitch? You can't handle me right now? Well why don't we make that never having to put up with me again, because I'm done Calum."

"That's not what I said!" Calum let out a frustrated groan, running his hands through his messy dark hair.

"I don't care, Calum. You know what, you've treated me like shit the past few weeks and I'm tired of it! We're over."

"W-what!? Luke.. Lukey babe, no n-no!"

"I don't care!"

"Fine.. if that's what you want then, okay.."

Then the two split. For a whole 2 weeks. Both boys missing each other.

How did they make up?

Calum saw some guy hitting on Luke. He felt his heart hurt when Luke laughed, because he use to be the one who made him laugh. But then the boy went away and Luke stood alone.

Calum walked up to him, Luke noticing and started to walk away until he heard:


That made his heart hurt even worse. But Luke looked at him and ran into his arms, the two immediately connecting their lips.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Calum choked, crying and not caring about the stares he got. He's never showed his feelings to anybody but Luke. His grip on him became tighter.

"No don't apologize, babe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't want to be apart from you anymore. You're my sunshine and moonlight, and I love you, Cal-bear."

"I love you so much, honey.. Will you please be mine again?" Calum laced their fingers and the hands fit like puzzle pieces; just perfect, as cliche as that is, Calum is cliche when it comes to his love for his Luke.

"Of course, Cal." He leaned into the pierced lip and softly pecked both of his lips.

Then they continued their day, as if they never split.


"Calum! Hey, man." Michael jogged up to Calum who was waiting outside of Luke's class.

"Hey bro."

"Dude, did you fucking see what Travis posted about you? I'm not a big social media fan, man, y'know? But this was retweeted on my Twitter and just... look." Michael handed him the phone.

"@TravisD: Luke is such a slut but I love him. We hung out a few times and did some unmentionable things and he takes back that fucking punk. I bet he doesn't even love him. He sure as hell doesn't deserve him. I do."

Calum's hand clenched around the phone, making Michael rip it from his hands, yelling "Dude! Don't break my phone, break his face!"

Then Calum told Michael to wait for Luke and tell him that "Calum had to go take care of something."

And then, Calum was off.

He found Travis, sitting alone under a tree drawing.

"Hey you. Travis." Calum said in a deep tone, making the brunette boy look up and gulp.

"We need to talk. I'm sure you know about what." Travis hesitantly stood. He shyly nodded at Calum.

"You said, in that tweet, that I don't love Luke? I fucking love Luke more than anybody will ever know. He's the love of my life! He is my life.. my happiness. You'll never understand how sweet he tastes. How adorable he looks in his favorite pajamas, which are pink with penguins that match his penguin slippers with sparkles. You'll never fully fall in love with his eyes because you will NEVER stare into them as much as I do. His favorite color is pink and he tries to wear it as much as possible. He has a love/hate relationship with cotton candy because it scares him how it completely disappears in his mouth but it tastes so "yummy." His giggle is the most precious sound."

Calum was no longer angry but lost in a deep thought with Luke, a small smile upon his lips. Travis was just standing there, shocked.

"He loves Valentine's day so much but he's afraid of Cupid. I always take him shopping and I never complain because they way his face lights up when he tries on a new pink sweater is the cutest. He loves eskimo kisses though he absolutely loves to make out also, he's really cuddly and adores being the little spoon at night when we sleep. He cannot go to sleep if one light is on, it needs to be dark. He enjoys, though he will never admit it, Teen Wolf and loves Lydia's style. He tries to copy her but in a not-so-obvious way. I notice though because I notice Everything about him. Every little thing, I know about him and I love. Don't you dare fucking say I don't love him. I may not deserve him, because he is the most beautiful human to ever exist, and I understand that I'm not and I never planned to be, but anyways.. nobody will ever love Luke as much as I do. He's mine. Got it, punk?"

Travis was still in shock, but he nodded his head rapidly.

"Now, I don't want to see you trying anything with him at all. You don't love him. You don't know nearly as much as I do. He's my boyfriend that I love dearly and more than anything in this fucked up world. Don't you dare try to take him away from me. I will end you. You're lucky I'm not gonna even touch you right now. Okay? Bye." With that, Calum turned away, leaving the younger boy scared shitless.

Calum searched around the large crowd of people walking out of classes and hallways. He spotted Luke with Michael, they were walking away from Luke's class.

Luke smiled brightly when his eyes landed on the tattooed boy with a smile upon his lips as well.

Calum finally reached Luke and kissed all over his face. Luke giggled and tried to push his face away.

"Calum, babe! Stop, stop!" He giggled out. Then he did, leaving a longer kiss to his lips.

When opening their eyes, Calum's eyes landed on Travis who was staring at them both. He then held Luke's hand tightly, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it softly. Luke chuckled then pulled his hand with his. They began walking away, hand in hand.


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