Thirty Five

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"What sounds better, Chipotle or Panda Express." Luke asked walking into the room where Ashton lay on the couch as usual.

"Panda express for sure." He replied, scrolling through his phone. Luke replied with an "okay" then pulled out his phone to order. As he was about to order however, he recieved a call from an unknown number. Normally he doesn't answer unknown calls but something just told him to answer it. 

He reluctantly answered with a simple,"Hello?"

"Is this Luke Hemmings?"


"Do you know a Calum Hood?"

His heart skipped and he replied with a quick,"Yes, he's my boyfriend." 

He didn't realize how hard his heart was beating in his chest until silence took over the call. 

"Sir, I'm terribly sorry to bring you such sudden bad news... but, Calum was shot today on the battlefield. He was taken into surgery and unfortunately he hadn't made it. He was a brave soldier-"

But Luke cut him off but letting out the most heartbreaking scream of his entire life. 

"NO!" He dropped the phone and dropped to his knees, crying violently and repetitively screaming. He hadn't noticed Ashton, trying to comfort him. Ashton knew what was going on, theres only one thing to ever make Luke act like this.

"NO NO NO!" He choked and thrashed his arms around himself, all over. He was bent over, flat against his knees, pulling at his hair. His body was convulsing, full of shock and pain. 

And it was as if he died that moment because nothing was more painful than hearing this news. Not even the heartbreak he experienced was as bad as this. This untrue news that should not have been told to anyone. Calum was not dead, Evan was dead.

Here's what really happened.

Evan was also shot in chest. They had the exact same injury. He was put on a bed next to Calum. While in surgery, Evan didn't make it, but the doctor thought Evan was Calum, and Calum was Evan. That's how this whole thing started. A mistake of the names. 

But all the memories kept flashing through Luke's head as he yelled,"KILL ME!" to his own best friend. Ashton was traumatized and just held Luke as he mourned. Luke thrashed his way out of his grip and barely had the strength to run but he did and he knew where he was going also.

He was too late as Luke slammed and locked the door.

"LUKE NO!" He kicked at the door as he heard Luke repeating, "My fault, my fault, my fault." 

Ashton had busted his foot through the door and again and again until he stuck his hand through and unlocked the door. He snatched the pills from Luke again and Luke fell against the counter in his arms, screaming at him to "LET ME DO IT! THIS TIME IT'S DIFFERENT! HE'S DEAD!" Ashton tugged him off against the counter and into his arms once again.

"No no, Luke you can't."


"Luke he wouldn't want you to do this, please listen to me."


Ashton had an almost bone crushing grip on him, he was so afraid to let him go because he'd do something and then he couldn't live with himself if he let that happen. He was trying to drag him out of the bathroom which was a hard task when he's hitting you back and shouting at you to let him die. 

Then at some point the screaming and violence stopped because he just couldn't. He was suffering from the thought of thinking it was his fault, which wasn't the case at all. Then he just cried silently into Ashton's chest, who just let him, even if his shirt is literally soaked now.


"Evan, somebody left these messages for you."

"My names not Evan." Calum said, perfectly alive. He was lying in bed though, he was still recovering.

"You're not Evan Peters? That's what it says right there?" The nurse pointed at the name that actually was beside Calum. He was surprised he hadn't noticed it before. Maybe if he had, Luke wouldn't be wanting to kill himself.

"What's your name then?"

"Calum Hood;"

"W-what?! Calum died yesterday though...?"

He raised an eyebrows and touched himself. "No, I'm alive." He reassured her.

"No, Calum died... yesterday...."

"I'm Calum. Who do you think was Calum?"

"The boy with the head of hair that was lucky enough to keep his hair instead of shaving it off."

"Evan..." He felt a pang of hurt to his heart. His marine mate? 

"His name was Evan?" She said overly shocked. "And you're Calum?"

"Yes.." He said, sad suddenly. He then remembered seeing him for the last time, he smiled at him and told him that things will be okay. Evan was always so happy.

"Well Calum, we already made phone calls and your.. boyfriend? Pardon me if I'm wrong-"

"You're right."

She kind of grimaced but continued to speak. "Yeah, he took it terribly. It hit him the worst. We called him first, we don't do them in the order you choose but we haven't made any other calls yet so you're lucky."

"You t-told Luke I was dead..."



"I'm sorry-"

But Calum had already gotten out of his bed. Despite his horrid pain, he took it because his honey was in danger.

He left everything, he quit the military on his ownm without thinking and now was buying a one-way ticket back home. No flights were soon though, the earliest being tomorrow night. His one desire was to get to Luke though, and show him that he's not dead. 

Calum is alive.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, it was my brothers 18th birthday :) extremely busy.

So there it is, Calum did not die. Evan did. RIP Evan. I'm sorry I killed you but I still love you okay?

I'm a shit writer when my schedule becomes tight. I may edit this later, so be aware.

I didn't get Halsey tickets yesterday so that means I didn't get VIP, so I can't meet her and I'm still very upset about it, so I'm in a terrible mood today, ugh. I'm sorry.

leave me terrible pick up lines so i feel better idk ily

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