Twenty Four

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Ashton sat alone at the booth waiting for Luke. He kept on staring at the door, hoping he'd walk in soon.

Michael had walked in though and they made accidental direct eye contact.

He walked over him and asked him,"Who are you waiting for?" While taking an uninvited seat.

"Uh, Luke?" Ashton wouldn't admit it, but he was getting really intimidated by the red head.

"Ah, I see. Are you two dating?" He asked casually.

Ashton sighed sadly. "No. We're friends."

Michael nodded and searched his face for lies. He found something particularly sad in his hazel eyes.

"You like him though, don't you?"

"That's the thing. I'm pretty sure I am in love with him.."

Michael threw his head back onto the booth and groaned. "What even."

Ashton was confused. "What even, what?"

"You could so much better, why him? My best mate's ex? Calum's not over him. You love him. What's so special about him? There are other people, you know?"

"Yeah.. I know that. I don't even know.. He's more addicting than nicotine."(S2G)

Michael threw his head back with a groan at the cliché line. "As a smoker, I don't believe that."

"I wish I were kidding.. he- oh shit, he's coming."

Luke, dressed in a white shirt with pink cuffs, looked over at Ashton and shot him a small smile until he saw Michael sitting there with no emotion.

He hesitantly made his way over, Michael noticing and rolling his eyes.

"Dude, I'm not going to hurt you."

Luke sat down next to Ashton in the booth, Michael across form them.

"So... whats's up?" Luke asked, awkwardly. Michael didn't feel the awkwardness, he thought it was fine.

"Just saw Ashton when I walked in. Just so you know, Calum's meeting me here, along with Evan."

And Luke froze at the mention of his name. He had a hopeful but worriedful look in his eyes.


"Yeah, look there they are." Michael got up and waved to them.

Luke saw Calum and his heart must of been out of his chest. People must have heard the loud thumping because he felt like all eyes were on him. Calum's as well.

He didn't want to take his eyes off him this time, fearing he'd disappear again, but Evan started talking to him so he turned away. And Luke was hurt by it.

He got up from the booth and approached Calum. He didn't realize what he was doing until he was standing in front of him.

"Hey Luke."

"H-hey Calum..." Luke looked at his feet, a habit Calum knows he has when he's sad.

"Are you doing alright?"

And that question semmed to rip open Luke's heart. He wanted to drop down on his knees and beg for him back. He wanted to say he's doing so very badly right now that he doesn't even want to be alive. He wants to cry and cry because that's what this seperation stuff does to him. He wants to tell him that it's a horrible torture being apart from him and that he can't stand it any longer. He wants to tackle him to the ground and just kiss the living hell out of him. He wants to tell him he loves him.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." 

Luke felt someone else's eyes on him. He looked up and noticed the guy next to Calum, known as Evan, was looking at him.

"Really?" It came out of Calum as if he had just been punched in the stomach.

He wanted to ask how? How could you be fine? Doesn't he miss him? He wanted to grab his face in his hands and kiss him and tell him how much he still means to him. Why is he fine? Can't he tell that Calum is doing so very badly without him? He can't handle being apart from him for so long. He desired him, but he's doing fine.

"I just mean.. I heard people are being rude to you.."

"Yeah, but it's okay."

"No it's not, Luke."

It's a really sad sight. The two boys who's fingers never left eachothers where holding their own, wishing to grab one anothers hand. None of them made the move though.

"I'm sorry." Luke suddenly said.

"I know."

It went silent for a bit. Just as Calum was about to tell him he still loves him, Evan spoke up.

"Luke, is it? Hi, I'm Evan." Calum's eyebrows furrowed immediately at the flirtatious tone he was using. He glared so hard.

"Hi.." Luke replied and awkwardly shook his awaiting hand. Unaware he was flirting with him right in front of Calum.

"What the hell are you doing, Peters?" 

"introducing myself to your friend."

"No, you can fuck off. He's mi-" Calum stopped abruptly. "I mean.." He looked at the blonde boy with the pretty pink cuffs. His baby blue eyes looking down onto his feet again.

And Luke nodded with a small "See you later.." and walked away. Calum watched his love go, walking away ever so gracefully but broken. He turned to look at Evan, who's brown eyes watched Luke as well. Calum wanted to snap Evan's neck at the moment but contained himself.

"What was that, dude? He's beautiful-"

"I know."


that was me hitting my head on the keyboard

FuCkCAlum ANdLuke get back tofuckinggether i hate myself bye

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