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"Are you sure that he's going to love it?" Calum nervously asked Ashton who nodded, absolutely positive and confident in the proposal idea the two had been setting up for the past month. 

"He claims he doesn't even like pink anymore."

"He does, trust me."

Calum bit at his lips, swallowing hard. He was nervous for this. Luke deserves the best, he believed and he wasn't sure if this was enough. He had Callie on his lap, petting her gently. "I'm so glad I changed my stubborn ways and allowed Luke to get you. Thank you, you marvelous cat."

He smiled then and set her down. Ashton left after, knowing Luke would be home soon. This went on for the past month, they worked so hard on ideas and today they actually stuck to one.

It was today. Calum was going to propose to Luke today.

He doubled, tripple checked everything.

Luke had just walked in through the front door. He immediately saw the red rose petals on the floor, trailing to the table where a note lay.

He titled his head as he read it:

"There will be four pink rosesGo get the pink rose on the couch. -Cal"

He looked at the couch, putting the note down in the spot he found it and walked over to the rose. He picked it up in which had another note on it. 

"There's a another rose with the nickname I call you. Take this rose."

He shook his head with a small laugh as he opened the cabinet with the rose next to the jar of honey. A note was attached.

"Good job, honey. You will find the other rose outside, don't be alarmed, someone will be holding it."

He quickly collected the second rose and headed outside of the door. Soon enough, Ashton was there outside by a car, holding a pink rose. Luke smiled and waved at him.

"So you're a part of this? What's going on?"
"Hi Luke, yes I'm a part of this. Well, I'm taking you to your destination right now."

So Luke nodded getting inside the car. He kept asking Ashton questions, but he wouldn't answer him at all. The drive was a few minutes, about ten, but they arrived there soon enough.

Ashton smiled at Luke, knowing that his best friend is going to adore this. Luke said good bye and looked at the building in front of him. He walked in and was immediately squealing at his surroundings and spinned around, absolutely amazed. 

It was a pink room, full of pink roses like his. He knew Calum would be here, so he continued walking. Then all the sudden he turned the corner and Calum was the only thing not pink, dressed in all black, matching Luke.

"Cal! What is all this?" He ran up to him, hugging him. 

"Oh this? Nothing really.. I just wanted to give you this necklace I bought you for christmas a while back." He said, trying to hide his smile. Luke still had no idea what was going to happen.

He revealed the necklace that has a customized "Honey" on it. Luke was smiling as he clasped it around his neck. 

"Aw, Calbear, I love it! You didn't have to do all this. And wow these flowers are gorgeous."

"You can have as many as you want. All if you want them all, but I think we'll need a bigger apartment." He chuckled, trying to collect himself.

They chuckled and Luke went in to kiss him, but he stopped him, surprisingly. Luke was confused.

"Oh yeah one more thing.." Calum couldn't contain himself right now, he was shaking a bit. He got down on one knee. Luke's hand immediately slapped over his mouth.

This was it.

"Luke Robert Hemmings. From your messy bed hair in the morning to your perfectly styled quiff, from your pink skirts to your black ripped skinny jeans, from your flawless singing to your awful snores, from your squeaky little thirteen year old voice to your matured voice voice you have now at eighteen, I love and adore every single thing about you. I understand we're young, maybe we dont have the money. But I've told you since I fell in love with you that I wanted to marry you. We've been together for five years today. Yes, with two break ups, but look at us now. We can conquer anything, I promise. I want the best for you and I'm sure I can do that for you. So there's this one question I need to ask you that I've repeated in my head since I was fourteen... Will you marry me, honey?"

Luke was sobbing quite sloppily but frantically nodded, not be able to get the words out, and threw himself around Calum. He was so shocked, he didn't see this coming. He knew it was their anniversary, but he had no idea this day would be the say he's no longer labled his boyfriend but his fiance.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and a million times over yes. Yes, I will marry you, Calum!" 

All the anxiety rising in Calum had disappearead after that and he captured Luke's lips in his, tasting his salty happy tears he caused.

"I love you, I love you, I love you" Luke mumbled as they kissed. Calum hummed against him that he loves him too. Neither of them could stop smiling, so overly joyed.

"I'm still shocked." Luke said after their long, comfortable silence full of cuddles in each others arms. He then realized thoug that their was no ring. He looked at Calum who laughed.

"Oh yeah, Callie. C'mere."

Callie meowed and walked out in a new pink bedazzled collar with the ring on it. Luke cooed and squealed at this. Calum took it off her and took Luke's left hand, slidding the pink diamond ring on it.

Luke cried even more but stared at it in awe. It was a gorgeous ring. He couldn't describe how amazed he was by all this. This rings looks truly expensive.

"Calum.. I just can't even wrap my head around this all. The ring is stunning. Literally, I'm stunned. This is mine?"

"It's yours. I promise, for eternity, as I am." He kissed his hand. 

"And as I am, fiance." Luke blushed, putting his hands over his face. Calum stared at the ring on his finger. There's the ring on his finger, the one he bought for him.

"Yeah, fiance." Calum took his hands off his fave and smashed their lips together again. 

The two were now engaged and were so joyful, ecstatic, all the words you can think of couldn't even come close to how damn pleased they were. They're so in love still.

this story has raised my expectations in my proposal omg why did i do this

yeah this chapter took me longer than expected omg sorry 

oh yeah and announcement time:


there will be no sequel, sooorry x

well i has a boyfriend :)))))) it's my crush from the football game rEMEMBER HIM?? he looks like luke omfg i'm so


okayokay ily all sooooosososooooosoooooo much thank you for reading and 51.5k read like i can't even deal like i seem calm and all but if you saw me right now you'd see tha ti'm actually crying bye

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