Thirty Eight

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this is called "i'm really lonely and i wish i had a calum, i'll do anything pls" chapter

"Callie!" Calum excitedly said as the now older kitten entered the room. She was delighted to find Calum and purred as he stroked her fur. 

"I just missed you both so much. I'll never leave again."

Luke was happy that Calum said this but it was Calum's dream, now he just feels guilty for taking that away from him. He's talked about it for ages, now he's of age and has trained for it. He's seriously going to throw all that away?

"Cal, why, it's your dream?"

Calum set Callie down and looked him straight in the eyes. He laced their fingers together, which were dangling on their sides and pulled him closer to him.

"No. That's not my dream. You're my dream. I can't lose you."

And Luke was speechless. He was breathless. He had no idea what to say to even be worthy of following after those sweet words.

"Calum.." Luke spoke softly as he felt his heart flutter.

"I love you, too much but it's not enough for me. I love you more and more each second, Luke. You're my honey and I'm your punk. That's the way we are, and I wouldn't want it any way."

Then Luke felt even more guilty, he felt as if it were eating him alive. He's made a change in his looks, and forcing Calum to fall in love with a different side of him.

"I don't wear pink anymore, though.. I'm not the boy you fell in love with, honestly. I've changed." Luke looked away from his deep brown eyes and down at the floor.

Calum put a single finger under his chin and tilted his head up. He was smiling and he leaned in and kissed him quickly. 

"No, you still are. Although I love the pink side of you, I love every side of you." He poked his left side. Causing him to squeak.

"This side."

He poked his right side. "This side." Luke squeaked again.

"This side, of course." He smirked, poking above his jeans. And his smirk grew wider as he poked his but, Luke giggled as he sent shivers down his back upon whispering in his ear," Especially this side."

He kissed all over his face, as he continued to giggle loudly, telling him to quit doing that. They both knew he loved it though. Then Calum turned serious again.

"Black or pink. I'm not in love with a color, I'm in love with you."

"I'm the luckiest guy alive because I have my true prince who treats me like royalty." Luke grinned, wrapping his arms around his neck and holding him firmly.

"You are my princess, Luke. But one day we'll be a king and queen. Just grow old with me." Calum held him securely in his arms, not wanting anything to ever hurt his true love.

"How are you like this? How do you even come up with the cutest words in the whold entire world?"

"I just really love you."

"I just really love you too."


Nothing could describe both boys happiness when they woke in the same bed once again, in each others arms. Calum leaned in and pecked his nose witha sweet,"Good morning." with his deep morning voice.

Luke sleepily smiled with his yawn and cuddled closer to him. "Morning." 

"Want breakfast?"

Luke stayed silent but eventually told him "No."

Then Calum leaned away from him and furrowed his eyebrows. "You didn't want to eat last night. I'm scarred.. please, I'll make you oatmeal.. cereal.. eggs.. pancakes.. french toast.. bacon.. what ever you want, honey. Just please." 

Luke stayed silent, looking away from his gaze. "No."

"Babe.. a smoothie?"


Calum sighed but he wan't going to let his boyfriend starve. Not ever. He got up out of bed without another word and let the room. Leaving Luke by himself. 

He just lay there and stared at the now open bedroom door Calum went through, leaving his body cold. He looked down at his shirtless body and cringed. His ribs were showing but he didn't see that. He saw the small pudge of his stomach, which was non-existent. 

"Exercise. Must exercise." He got himself out of the bed and tugged on Calum's Rolling Stone's shirt from yesterday. He was disguested with his image.

"You need to be the best you can be for Calum. Feel so bad for him.. he's in love with a beast. Look at you! You're hideous." He became angry at his image and sat down on the floor. He started doing sit ups.

"Luke!" Calum startled him, walking in with an omelet on a plate. He didn't stop though, so Calum set the plate on their nightstand  and straddled his waist.

"What are you doing?" Luke questioned, realizing kind of late.

"No, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to lose a bit more weight."  Calum softly pushed him dowm, flat on his back and hovered over his face. 

"You're going to be legit skin and bones if you lose any more weight. Stop this. It's not a good thing."

"I'm fine, Cal."

"Try to push me off."

Luke tried but failed miserably.

"Exactly because you can't. You've lost some strength. You're skinny Luke. You may even be anorexic.."

"I'm far from that. Don't you want to make me happy? Let me just lose at least 5 more pounds."

"I want to keep you healthy and alive too." 

Luke heavily sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. I won't."

Calum got off of him and helped him up. He hugged at his waist afterwards. 

"I made you your favorite omelet. I didn't make a lot, okay? Just eat this. You need it." He picked up the plate again and handed it to him.

Luke nodded with a frown. He picked up the fork and took small bites, it was delicious, don't get him wrong. but he cringed as he took a bite because he could feel the weight in his stomach. He hated it. He needed to be perfect for Calum, he thought. 

And even though Calum already thought he was, to himself he wasn't.

He needed to be perfect for Calum.

What's your favorite quote from this story so far?

so i tried making a trailer for this and i failed so hard. i can't do that shit omg. 

sO if you amazing cuties make something for this story (fan art, trailer, edit, etc..) then pRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE send them to me! Let me see them! You can find me on

Instagram: @/lipbiteluke

Twitter: @/lipringbandtee

Kik: @madysonnani

or just message me a link?

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this story and maaaaaaaaybe I'll give you some answers if they're not spoilers.  ILY ILY ILY xxx

stay that lovely person you are, you rock babylove! :)

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