Thirty Six

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"You can leave me alone, Ashton. I'll be fine."

"Sorry Luke, I don't trust you."

"Promise." He stuck his pinky out. They'd been doing this since they were young, none of the pinky promises were ever broken. Ashton hesitated.

"Please Ashton.. I want to be left alone. I promise you I'll be okay."

Ashton reluctantly sighed, hearing his honest tone. He can tell big time when Luke lies.

So he hugged him tighter than he ever has before and then let him go. He pecked his cheek however, causing him to break down.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Just go."

He placed his face in his hands. He heard the door open and shut soon after.

Then he just cried. He cried because he thought this wasn't fair and he couldn't handle it all. He thought Calum was dead.

When really, Calum was boarding a plane right now. He checked for his phone in his pocket realized that he'd been in such a hurry he'd forgotten it. So he just sat there, vibrating slightly in his seat from being so anxious about all this.

He wished he could just pop up in front of Luke and hold him in his arms and tell him that he's alright and he's alive, there's nothing to worry about now.

But he can't and that pisses him off.

Luke lay motionless on the ground now, he didn't want to move. He didn't see the point in anything any more. He knows he pinky promised Ashton that he'd be okay by himself but now he's having all these horrible thoughts back in his head.

"Why?" The hot tears spilled from his eyes and down the sides of his head as he lay.

"He's my entire life. He's the reason I exist. I'm nothing without him. And he's gone. What do you expect I do? I have no other reason to exist." He spoke, his Adams apple bobbing as he cried.

"All I ever do is cry when he's not with me. And that's not how I want to spend my life. I don't want to mourn about him all my life and I don't want to move on because nobody in this world could ever replace him or treat me better. He treated me as if I were fragile glass that would immediately shatter if the wrong move was made. He was what everyone wished was theirs. He was mine and now he's not."

Then he shut his eyes as his lips shook as the harsh whips of breaths left his tear soaked lips.

"I'll never marry the love of my life. I'll never grow old with him. How am I supposed to feel? I think I have the right to be suicidal now."

So he got up and stripped of his pink sweater and tossed it recklessly, knocking over something in the distance. He already had black jeans on, so he threw on a black long sleeve shirt and just sat down at the kitchen table.

He was planning his suicide.

Calum couldn't sleep the whole flight, his heart rate never went down. He never stopped shaking. He must of looked insane. But he was insane, insanely in love.

"We will be landing soon, please remain seated."

His heart rate increased as he could hardly remain calm.

Back at Luke, he was sat at the kitchen table, writing his final letter to everyone. That is, until Callie jumped on it, ripping him from his focus.


She meowed and sat down. Luke began to cry.

She knew.

She knew and she was trying to save him again.

How could he not think of her? He was being selfish. He then stopped with the writing and brought her into his arms, hugging her gently.

"I love you so much, Callie."

She purred with satisfaction and rubbed her face into his shoulder.

He put her into the cat carrier and walked out.

Of course, he was still sad. He hasn't even smiled once since he's heard the news. Not even for Callie. He was majorly depressed.

He just needed to get out of there quickly before he chooses the wrong life decision that he would severely regret.

Literally so sorry I didn't update, I had a party at my house last night and I got fucked up big time. I was so drunk. Omg.

Well yeah, idk how y'all are gonna react to the next chapter lol. Idk. Nanight.

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