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Luke let out the most loudest startling noise ever when he woke then continued to groan as Calum came strolling in the room.

"Finally awake? Its three o'clock. PM."

"Shut up... Oh god my head is pounding and throbbing. Come cuddle, Cal." Luke groaned out, wincing when touching his head.

Calum sighed and sat on the bed with him.

"Look to your left, there's something to help with the hang over. You're welcome."

So he did and was highly relieved to find pills and a glass of water waiting next to him. He rapidly put the pills in his mouth and downed his glass of water, letting out a huff of breath after.

"So what happened to not getting drunk? I didn't have even one sip and you were wasted." Calum asked him, raising a brow.

"Oh yeah.. Uh I just. I don't have an explanation honestly. And shit did you say it was three o'clock? I have to meet Ashton at 3:30 for.."

"For what?" Calum, obviously jealous, asked.

"Well we were supposed to see that new movie." Luke painfully got up.

"The horror movie?"

"Yeah, that! Exactly.."

"But.. you hate horror movies?"

Luke tried not to visibly show that he froze. He knows. He knows he's lying. He tried ignoring Calum's hard stare as he threw on his blue skinny jeans and a white hoodie.

"Luke? What's going on?"

"Nothing.. I love you. I gotta go now bye." Luke quickly pecked his lips as guilt washed over him.



Luke was immediately pinned to the door of Ashton's house. Hungry lips attacked his. He eagerly kissed back tasting Ashton's cherry lips.

Ashton pulled away and looked into his icy blue eyes with his hazel ones. "I missed you." Luke's heart throbbed with guilt.

Ashton softly pecked his lips once more. Luke didn't object though. In fact, he kissed back with just as much force.

"I missed you too."


Calum was out shopping for nobody other than Luke. Christmas was coming up quickly, and he still hadn't gotten a gift for him. After all, he is the love of his life.

He knew exactly what he would want but didn't know exactly what. He tried all of Luke's favorite stores, getting extremely judgmental glares as they were Forever 21, H&M, Wet Seal, ect. Calum didn't care though, he's always judged by the way he looks, so why should it bother him that people are judging him for shopping for his amazing boyfriend?

He was getting frustrated now, he couldn't find anything worthy of getting Luke. He was about to completely pass by a jewelry shop until he read a necklace in the display picture on the window.

The necklace read "Darling" and the others next to it said "Babe" "Sweetheart" "Love." And in the print next to the necklaces read:
Customize your own nickname.

A man cleared his throat.

"Can I help you with anything sir?"

"Yes actually. I'd like to get one of those customizable necklaces."


Luke moaned as his body twitched with pleasure. "Oh Cal- Ash!"

Ashton heard that slip of Calum's name and stopped his actions.

"You were gonna call me Cal."

"I can't help it, I'm sorry. He was my boyfriend first.."

"But I'm your boyfriend now."

"Yes, you are." Luke kissed him.

"Do you love me?" Ashton blurted out, palming him.

"Yes yes.. I love you so much." Luke hissed, but he didn't mean it. He does love Calum. He loves Calum so much.


"Hey, I missed you, honey."  Calum chirped as Luke walked through the door.

"Oh hey, Cal.. You're staying the night here again?" 

"Well if you don't want me to then..-"

"No, no. That's not what I meant. C'mere, babe." Luke engulfed him in his arms and Calum smiled with content.

"You smell like colgne?" Calum noted, Luke never wears colgne. He hates the smell of it on himself. He loves that new perfume he just got that smells like honey.

"A-Ashton gave me his jacket cause it got cold."

Calum believed him.

He leaned in to kiss him, and stopped abruptly when tasting something unfamiliar.

"You taste like cherries.. You hate cherries."

"Yeah, I got a cherry slushie, Cal."

And yet again, Calum believed him.

If only he knew. His honey wasn't actually sweet. His honey was spicy.


So Luke is cheating on Calum with Ashton. Yes. Most of you guessed it but whatever it happened!

What are your thoughts on Luke's change in character now?

How do you feel about Calum now?

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