Twenty Seven

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The sunlight was bright through the curtains. Luke was snoring loudly on top of Calum's chest. Luke may look like a beauty but not when he sleeps. Calum doesn't care though, he loves him no matter what. They hadn't moved positions from last night. They lay naked under the blankets still. Calum woke first and kissed his neck softly, feeling really guilty about being so rough with him. Not that Luke minds, he loves the extremely dominant side of Calum.

But as Luke stirred in his sleep, realization hit Calum that he hadn't told Luke that he was heading out to the military in two weeks. He mentally cursed at himself and lightly shook his snoring sleeping beauty.

"Lukey, wake up please." 

"Mhmmph.." Luke mumbled into his chest. 


"No no, I wanna stay here and sleep with my Calum." He sighed with relief. "My Calum."

Calum nearly cooed but he just kissed his hair and pulled him off of him, laying down him down next to him. Luke grumbled and whined until he pressed their lips together knowing very well that it shuts him up. Luke kissed him back with a smile and playing with his lip rings.

"Okay now that you're up.. I have some news to tell you." Calum said after pulling away. He sat up and stretched out. Luke's eyes gazed at his gorgeous back muscles through the tattoos. Luke sat after him. 

"What's that, Calbear?"

Calum's heart fluttered and he blushed a little. "Just promise you won't be mad?"

He looked over and saw his blue eyes widen. His heart stung a bit because he knew this was going to hurt Luke.

"I'm concerned Cal.. are you like.. are you with someone else? Are you talking to someone else? Oh god, are you sick of me?"

"No no no! Of course not, honey, no." Calum pulled him into his arms in which he melted into. Man, Calum really didn't want to do this but he knew he had to. Luke had to know.

"Then what is it?" Luke said with a worried tone.

Calum held him tightly, occasionally kissing his shoulder in the silence as he impatiently waited for him to answer. 

"I'm leaving in two weeks, Luke. I dropped out of school because I signed up for the military. I start in two weeks..."

Luke yanked away from him arms and stared at him with wide eyes, in absolute shock.


"Babe.. I'm sorry." 

Luke couldn't even respond. Why was he leaving so soon? Why was this happening? He just got him back and he wasn't planning on losing him ever again. He reached over and gripped his hand. "It's okay. I know how badly you want to do this. So. I support you it's just.. hard." 

Calum pulled his hand to his lips and kissed it. "I get that. Thank you for not being angry. I love you so much."

"And I love you."


Michael was walking down the street, smoking a cigarette. This was a non-smoking area though, and with his luck a young police officer saw him.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket. You can't be smoking here."

"Fuck off, I was just finishing it." He inhaled it again and blew it out with a puff."

The police officer did not like that reply one bit. 

Next thing you know, the two are arguing and yelling. Michael doesn't want to accept the ticket so he got three more. He thought it was absolute bullshit.

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