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It was winter break now.

Calum and Luke were cuddling in bed. In Luke's bed. He was tracing the tattoos on Calums chest. He watched him lovingly.


"Yes, love?"

"Are you thinking about getting more tattoos?"



"Your name. Right here. Saved a spot for it."

He took Luke's hand and placed it on the empty spot on his chest, where his heart beats. Luke blushed like a maniac.

"Luke Hemmings-Hood." He made his fingers run across it.

"Hemmings-Hood?" Luke giggled and blushed harder.

"Yes honey, I'm going to marry you." He leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his cute little nose.

"I'm broke right now, nothing is stopping me other than the fact that I need to get you the most gorgeous ring specially made for you."

Luke's eyes watered as his smile grew bigger. "I didn't think you'd want to marry me..."

"You're my everything, Luke. Of course I would want to marry you."

That's when Luke lost it.

"Calum oh my dear Calum, you're so misunderstood. Others look at you and they're either scared or judge you. I look at you and I see my world. I see the love of my life.. You're the cutest punk ever, and I love you. I love you. I love you." Luke latched their lips together and Calum gently stroked Luke's cheek then gripped his hips. His hands traveled to the back pockets and he cupped his ass.

Luke always squeals when he does that and he loves it.

Then Calum pulls away from him and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Luke, even if I die early, do you promise to get your name tattooed on my chest?"

Luke frowned entirely at the question.

"But I can't promise you that. What if you fall out of love with me and love your next boyfriend? Girlfriend maybe? You won't want my name there.. you'll want their name. The person you'll always love."

Calum pinned Luke down on the bed with one quick motion.

"Hemmings, my boyfriend, my love, my future husband. I promise you, I will always love you. I'd be a fool not to. You're the most beautiful human ever."

Calum pressed their lips together quickly after and kissed him slowly.

"B-AbY!" Luke shrieked a little too loud when Calum started palming him through his jeans.

"HEY!" A voice from the other room next door shouted, a bang on the wall following after. "DON'T DO THAT!"

It was Jack. Luke's brother.

"sHUT uP JAck!" Luke moaned out as Calum moved his hand quicker, biting his lip.

"SHIT, STOP! OR ILL COME IN THERE!" Jack yelled again.

When Luke's moans became louder, the door was pushed open.

"STOP!" He saw Calum on top of Luke, His hand removing from his jeans. Luke let out  a sexually frustrated groan at the loss of Calums hand.

"Fuck off Jack." He breathed, taking Calums hand in his.

"I'm with a new girl.. I really like her, okay? I don't need her first impression of me being that my brother is a screamer when fucked. So please, just wait until we leave." Jack's face was really red.

Luke only groaned again and huffed out a fine. He kissed Calum and fell back on the bed.

Calum laid beside him and booked his nose a bunch of times, despite his whines for him to stop.

"But you're so cute, honey-pie."

"Suck it, Hood."

Calum smirked and Luke blushed when realizing what he said. The dark eyes trailed down to his crotch and back up o his eyes.


Calum smirked again when the door slammed shut down stairs.

"Oh I will."

Sorry for the filler, I rushed because I really wanted to update and this is crap but what ever.

What are you dressed up as?? :)

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