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Lilith Ovard had been a liar. In a faction where honesty was valued above all else and lies were seen as something almost worthy of a death sentence, she'd realized from a young age that her mother was better at tricking people than she was at being honest. Lilith had been fascinated, and she'd tried doing the same; however, in her case, she was caught more often than not, something that led to a few unpleasant experiences with the truth serum.

She'd tried being a liar until the day her mother's lies brought an abrupt ending to her father's life. It had been a normal night in her house, up until after dinner and after her older sister and her had gone up to their bedrooms. The yelling had started minutes later and, next thing she knew, her father had killed himself while she was at school. Lilith was quick in putting the puzzle pieces together and realizing that Carson Ovard's suicide was connected to her mother's recent pregnancy and apparently new boyfriend.

In her eyes, her mother's hidden affair was an act of cowardice. So, Lilith decided she'd be brave. 

Courage was valued in another faction, one that Lilith had never really payed attention to up until the that point. Dauntless. That was where she had to go, if she wanted to lead a brave life and, most importantly, one where she could be free and where she could start all over. Joined by some old acquaintances and even more new faces, Lilith starts the initiation process in the faction of the brave. Soon, she realizes that everything isn't as black and white as she had been taught in her birth faction. And that also applied to a Dauntless leader who happened to be around a lot more than she would like.



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