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I hear a beautiful accent, British. When I look up I see Hardin standing next to the bench. I nod as agreement. "Why are you outside alone?" I don't really feel like answering, "Why are you?" He just looks up and sits next to me. We don't talk a lot, which I am fucking greatfull for.

"Was it about chris?" I look in his eyes and react directly "no!, he isn't my typ and he is a dickhead." He laughs at my words, I think deep down he agrees with me. "Well, Chris is just Chris I guess, into a lot of girls, on the same night at the same time." I can't help myself but ask "Why are you friends with him?" He looks into my eyes "Because I am like him, I am not proud of that, but we all three, William, Chris and I we are a lot like each other. But I fuck with multiple girls, just like them." I don't really know what to answer so I just nod. "Have you ever had sex before?" He asks and I almost choke at just the thought, "Uhm, sort of, I don't want to talk about it." He looks confused, "Sort of?" I am done with this conversation, so I stand up and walk away.

I hear Hardin walking behind me, he takes my elbow and turns me around, "I am sorry, for asking. It just sounded strange." I am so pissed at him, "Well that is non of your concern." I say too loud and I walk away, upstairs. I need to use the bathroom, because I feel like I am going to fucking cry again. I hate myself so much, why couldn't he just accept the fact I didn't want to talk about it. And someone is in the fucking bathroom, ugh this day couldn't get worse. *knock knock* I get annoyed because this person isn't reacting. When I am about to knock again the door opens. It is fucking Chris again, of course. "Hey, you okay?" He lifts my head and I am looking straight in his eyes, not sure what to do or how to react. "Yup" is the only think I could possibly say, why am I so fucking dumb. "Have you seen Noora?" I just want to go home, "Uhm, I think she left with William. Not sure but I can send him a message, wait a second." Why is he being nice to me, "Hi, Tessa." I hear that accent again, Hardin of course. I don't turn around and walk to Chris to ask if he heard anything "Yeah William brought her home and she didn't want to interrupt your night. I can bring you home though, if you want to?" I nod, when I turn around Hardin is gone.

Hardin POV.
Fucking girls, I am just trying to be nice to her to fucking talk to her and of course she has to walk away. I didn't even do anything wrong. I just wanted to talk, I didn't even think about fucking her or making out with her when we talked. I am just so fucking pissed. I take a beer and decided to go upstairs, when I see Tessa standing there I couldn't move anymore. "Hi tessa," I am sure she heard me but she just walks away. This is the moment when I decided to go downstairs to get a fucking blowjob and forget about this girl who is being a pain in the ass. Of course Chris has to fuck up everything, she is an innocent girl, he isn't fucking good enough. Not that I am, but he is even worse than me. He is just doing it to fuck a girl, and yes Tessa is pretty so he isn't doing it because he can. He is enjoying it.

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