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Eva POV.
"Well thank you for the drive Christoffer, but Hardins car would have been more silence." He laughs and I walk away. I see Jonas and he asks me if I got a coffee for him I put my middle finger up and walk away.

I walk into math and this is the moment I see everyone looking my direction, I keep walking and sit down next to Isak, "Dude, what it wrong with everyone in this class?" He looks confused, "uhm I actually have no clue but Sana fighted with Chris his girlfriend and you talked to her the other day so they probably think you are friends with her." I honestly don't give a damn about the fact people think I am friends with her, Sana is funny and nice so everyone has to fuck off. But is Christoffer having a girlfriend? Did I just hear that right, oh god no. Why is he flirting with me, oh yeah, he is a big fat fuckboy. I am going to ignore his ugly as fuckboy attitude.

Tessa POV.
I don't really like either Hardin or Chris they both are to sexual and it makes me uncomfortable. Like really. William on the other hand is really carefull and nice, to bad he is into Noora and I don't like his looks. Noora deserves a goodlooking nice boyfriend. He seems really sweet and I see him as my "brother".
tessa.young: Noora and Eva told me to post this, so I guess why not🌻

-view comments-loglady99: why is my friend this gorgeous?evamohn: babe, teach me your ways

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-view comments-
loglady99: why is my friend this gorgeous?
evamohn: babe, teach me your ways.
jonas9000: pretty girl
isakyaki: your skin, i am jealous..
tessa.young: @loglady99 have you seen your face girl i should be the jealous one, @evamohn teach me yours first? @jonas9000/@isakyaki thank youuu both
chrisschistad: @hardin_scott @williammagnusson
williammagnusson: one of my fav three girls
tessa.young: @williammagnusson my fav guy-friend
hardin_scott: 🤪😋
chrisschistad: @hardin_scott dude she is is ignoring us and liking us less than Will:/
chrisschistad, williammagnusson, hardin_scott started following you
Tessa POV.
"Why did Chris tag William and Hardin?" Noora asks me, "Uhm I don't really know to be honest. I was sure not to comment on it so we wouldn't have to find out." I laugh so does Noora.
hardin_scott wants to send you a dm
hardin_scott: you coming to Fridays party? It will be at my house, you can stay
tessa.young: i guess haha, I will ask the girls first. But thank you.
hardin_scott: K.
-read 2:04pm-
hardin_scott There will be a theme, will wanted to do oldschool music, so wear something like that. Like grease.

I so don't get this boy now he is being an asshole again ugh. "William! Wait up!" I have to ask him if it is true because I am not going to entertame Hardin by coming ugly. "Whats up?" "Is it true? Are you having a theme party next Friday?" He nods and smiles, "Yes it will be old school alike, the boys wear grease jackets. Girls can wear the kind dresses like the girls in there."

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