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Eva POV.
This girl is getting to loud, her laugh is going right true my ears and it is making me crazy. "Okay everyone finished, I am going to do the dishes." I took everyones plates even Chris his plate, when he didn't even finish. He disgust me so much, like who the hell would be doing that while eating with so many people. Chris mumbled something quiently to the girl, but I couldn't hear it, he slaps the girls butt when she walks away, this even was worse. I start washing the plates to clear my mind when I feel someone being pressed my back a little.
"What do you think you are doing?" I hear him laugh a little which annoys me even more like what is wrong with you.
"Just enjoying your company,"
"ha ha funny, Christoffer you actually enjoy someone sucking your dick not company of a girl that isn't doing that. Now you can leave me and join the rest. Or that girl that was jerking you under the table while we were having dinner." I walk away but Chris takes my hand and pulls me in his chest,
"Are you jealous Eva? Because mmm... you can totally do that instead of her, I mean I like your looks more so.."
"Well Christoffer not everyone just cares about the looks. Bye now." I walk away and go to my room to change into something cute but hot, I want to look like I actually looked in the mirror.

eva.mohn let's get this party starting @loglady99 @tessa.young

hardin_scott I am there too you could have tagged me too:(chrisschistad well, I am there too^tessa

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hardin_scott I am there too you could have tagged me too:(
chrisschistad well, I am there too^
tessa.young babe is gorgeous
chrisschistad looking good babe
williammagnusson best friendooo
loglady99 how can you be so gorgeous?
loglady99 teach me. Teach me the ways
user1 why are you so cute?
user2 can I fuck you?
private1 who the hell are those guys??
private1 i am going to be there tonight;)
That last comment scared me, like who is that person, I requested a follow request, but they rejected it. I shouldn't worry about those comments at all, I should ignore them. Mabye I shouldn't be interessted but who would that last person be? I absolutely had no idea, since the only guy that has been flirting with me was Christoffer.

Eva POV.
"Hello bitchess" I say as I walk in and see Noora and Tessa dancing, no I didn't drink, yet. I was planning on drinking today because I felt like I could use a cherryvodka. I started walking as I saw a familiar face, well back I guess, since it was Chris making out with a girl. It wasn't the girl from yesterday, I was sort of sorry for those girls, they really felt like Christoffer was in love with them and then he just dumped them like trash, mabye some of them deserved it, but not all of them. Some of them were actually nice and kind. I kept walking untill I reached the kitchen, I saw the vodka but I couldn't find the cherry drinks.
*text messages*
To Christoffer:
Where were the other drinks?
Christoffer you are literlly on your phone.
[I knew I had to tease him to react]
Daddy? Where are the other drinks?

From Christoffer:
Ok, I got a boner now thank you.

To Christoffer:
That was your own fault dickhead. Now tell me where those drinks are please?

From Christoffer:
In the barn babe

I walk through groups of people to see the door. I walk through the door and the fresh cold air hits me like a bitch in my face. I see the barn, finally after searching for almost 2 minuts. I mumble to myself, "mm... where is it, where is it, HEY there it is." I turn around to see him standing right there in front of the door. I can't get out of here, I am stuck with him. I don't know if I will survive this, I can't not again.

O my gosh guys I got 900 readers and I am actually not okay. When I started this story I thought: mabye like 20 readers but not more than that but now we reached the 900 readers and I love you guys so much for this thank you guys for reading my story and for everything. Also feedback is always welcome for me!<3

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