37. the end

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The end.
The six of us decided to buy a house together, we weren't living at it fulltime. But it was a place we could escape from the real world. It was our place and we didn't had to think about other people, only the six of us. We almost never were there with the entire group, but we saw each other more and that was a good part about it. The six of us knew it was going to be the life we wanted, I mean the seven of us. Christoffer and Eva finally got the baby, his name was timothy and he was a cute little boy who kept us awake at nights but let us sleep in the daytime. Timothy was the cutest baby ever and the seven of us decided we would like to make this family bigger. Well, the seven of us are happy and we Christoffer and Eva, Noora and Willhelm and Tessa and Hardin are together. Our friendship even got better and we are living the life we should. Christoffer is in the army, so he can help people. Hardin ruins a bar together with Tess and William is a part of his dad communitie which makes him the "side boss". Let's just say there will be more childerens for all of us in the future, but right now little timmy is enough. At least for the first months. Let's just say we are happy, we are ourselves and we found real love. All of us did we are here for each other in any way we can be. Friendship is a strong word, but we like to call it family, we are family and we are together always and forever untill the death tears up apart. We are family and we are beautiful.

So this was the end of this story, I wanted to thank all of you. You guys actually made it to the 3.92k which is so much. I hope after ending this story you guys will continue reading my next story, since I am already writing that and I am feeling good about it. I will make some little stories here and there and the next one will be based on a nerd and player. You guys voted for this one so this will it be!<3 thank you again.

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