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Tessa POV.
"What should we wear?" Eva looks at her closet and looks for the pefect outfit. Noora ends up wearing this outfit, it is a nice beautiful sweater with an beautiful overall dress.

 Noora ends up wearing this outfit, it is a nice beautiful sweater with an beautiful overall dress

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Tessa ends up wearing a simple stripped t shirt with an nicr jacket and black jeans.

And Eva ends up wearing a cropped black t shirt with creme/brown jeans and some nice little boots

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And Eva ends up wearing a cropped black t shirt with creme/brown jeans and some nice little boots.

And Eva ends up wearing a cropped black t shirt with creme/brown jeans and some nice little boots

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Eva POV.
"Are you guys ready to go? You guys take so long omg," I start laughing at the thought I was finished as first again. I love this outfit it is simple but nice. "Who's party is it?" Tessa asks. "William's" Noora answers. Noora really likes him, I can tell.

"William told me he wanted to pick us up?" Eva says, Noora actually wanted to say something like why do you talk that much with him, but they are good friends. And I love both of them, well I love Eva I like Willhelm a little I guess. "Will is here" Eva says.

"Hello girls, Chris and Hardin are also in the car. I couldn't ditch them." Hardin heard what he said "We can hear you dickhead. We know you love us." We all start laughing, Hardin was in the front with William and Chris, Eva, Noora and Tessa are trying to get in the back. "You can sit on my lap, I wouldn't mind babe." Chris told Eva, "He is already horny since 3 pm. Watch out for him." Hardin telling this and laughing, I laugh with Hardin, "thank you for making me very uncomfortable, and I will only have to sit on your lap for ten minuts. So don't move! Or i will kick you in your balls." Hardin start laughing at Eva's comments, "Kinky? I like it." Chris said and Eva rolled her eyes.

We arrived at the party, there were already so many people in and outside, "This party is huge already." William nods, "Good thing this is my house, so my rules." I wasn't really in the mood for another party but I guess I can live with it. "I am going to grab some drinks-" Noora says, "I am coming with you." I add, but that moment William pushes me back, "Eva, do you know or think that Noora likes me?" I am not sure what to say I mean yes she seems like it, "I think she does, you want to be sure?" He nods, i start dancing with William *friendly* but I do see Noora looking I stop directly and go to grab Noora. "Look pretty girl, you got to dance with William or talk at least. I can see the way you look at him and he is into you as much as you are into him and you are going to talk to him right now or I will steal your man." She laughs and goes over there, I am watching her like a proud mom.

"You are sitting here lonely and it looks reay sad." Chris tells me with an smile on his face, "Well, first of all, I didn't want to go to this party, but William is my friend and so are Noora and Tessa and they wanted to go." Chris frowns his eyebrowns, "So you don't call us friends? And Hardin? I mean we are your friends too. I mean yeah Hardin and I are both well sexually frustrated, but we are nice guys you know." I look confused at Christoffer for what he just told me, because of course they are my friends and stuff, well sort of, but William is much different, yeah he is a fuckboy and everything. But he is like a brother I never had.

"You wanna play a game?" Chris asks, "uhm no thank you, I don't want to play truth or dare where everyone is kissinf everyone." He nods and smiles. "That's cool babe." Did he just call me babe? I am not a babe? I am not his babe? What the- i am overthinking this again, it is just a name and he didn't call me whore or slut like my ex so I guess it is nice.

"Truth or dare, to William." A random chick says, Noora is sitting close to William and I am hoping Will wouldn't do anything to hurt Noora. The stranger looked around the room and said "Kiss Eva." I am frozen and so is Noora.

Thank you guys so much for the 240+ readers, I am so greatfull. I love you guys so much for the stars, the comments and the readings. I hope y'all are going to enjoy this part because drama is coming up<3

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