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Tessa POV.
The vacation was over we were are back in Norway. Hardin has been talking to me more and more lately. I never really was into guys like him, piercings, tattoos and stuff like that the "bad guy" but one way or another he is cute. He makes me laugh and it makes me happy, also seeing him smile is the best feeling ever. He is beautiful when he smiles. It is amazing to see someone you care about smile, yes I care about Hardin, more than about other boys. I guess you can say me and Hardin have this strange but special connection. "Hi" I say as I see Hardin getting out of his room without a t shirt, "Hey" he pushed his hands through his hair and pulls on it a little, I think he knows I like that. It is hot, I can't deny it, but looks aren't the reason why I like or well, sort of like Hardin. He has this sassy funny comments which makes me laugh. "You done staring at my abs?" He asks seriously, "You would like that wouldn't you?" I ask to tease him,
"Yeah," he gets a little closer to me "you done teasing me, or should I stay here. Exactly here." He takes a step forwards me. He just got out of the shower I can tell by his towel and wet hair.

 He just got out of the shower I can tell by his towel and wet hair

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"Dickhead" i say and I walk away still laughing. Hardin has this kind of humor I love.
Hardin POV.
Tessa loves teasing me and I love teasing her back, she has this amazing innocent humor, but if I am being honest with you. I think she isn't that innocent, yes she may be a little innocent and stuff, but the way she is always teasing me, it just gave me a vibe. "You are cute when you are blushing." I tease and tell her, yes I am trying to tease her, but hell yes she is beautiful and cute with red cheeks. Okay that may just sound a little scary and strange, but yes I like her that way. Her cheeks light up so easy, she is always blushing when I tease her. It is adorable though.
"Tomorrow school again" I say as she walks back in the kitchen,
"Yeah I know, I am not too excited though. It just brings stress into my life, so much stress." I know I have to say something so I tease her a little, "And me." She laughs
"As I said stress" and she pushes my shoulder lightly. "Yeah? Am I that stressfull, you sure about that?" I walk closer to her and pick her from the floor to lift her in the air, "Hardin, put me down now!" She yelled, but she is laughing I think she actually likes this, "only if I get a kiss" she looks right into my eyes, those beautiful greyblue eyes "Ha ha very funny, no hardin I am not kissing you based on that." I put her down but in my chest, "What would be a reason you would kiss me?" I whisper against her earlobe. She giggles a little which sounds adorable.
"Just being you. But don't do what again." "Mm... do what again?" I say against her neck, I can see her breath changed. "Hardin.." Tessa says my name to softly.

Tessa POV.
Obviously I wanted to give him a quick kiss, but that would change our status, right now we were teasing friends if I kiss him, which I have never done before, I mind sound like a bad friend. I feel Hardins hands lifting my head so I am looking into his eyes "I never kissed anyone before.." I am ashamed even disgust, why would I tell him this. I was just waiting for his answer. "Can- can I try?" I say softly. His beautiful green eyes maked my heart jump, "You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you, do you?" I smile a little and then I feel his lips pressed on mine. He licks my bottomlip asking for my permission to enter my mouth I guess, I saw this in movies. I open my mouth and feel Hardins tongue entering my mouth, but he does it slowly and carefull. He holds my hips and after our kiss he pressed his forehead against mine, "Now you are my girl, you know that right?" He smiles a little and I nod. "That was a good first kiss." I say while laughing awkwardly, "Yeah baby, don't be like that, you are too shy, you were actually really good." And with that he gives me a little kiss on my lips and rested his forehead again while holding my hands. I think I am in love with Hardin Scott.

so hessa happend right here right now;) i love them so much seeing them on 23 april<33

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so hessa happend right here right now;) i love them so much seeing them on 23 april<33

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