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Tessa POV
I just want to go home, "I think I lost my phone." I tell Chris, he looks confused. "Where have you been?" I tell him all the placed I have been, but I also have been with Hardin, Chris is going to look for places and I decided to search for Hardin.

I search every room, I only need 3 more rooms. I am so tired. I hear someone laughing in a room so I knock on the door. There isn't any answer, so I just open the door. I think I prefered not to see anything and delete this moment. Hardin is laying under a girl and that girl is not clothes expect from underwear anything. Hardin isn't wearing pants and he is in only a boxershort. I don't know what to do so I just look away very quick and leave the room. I hear someone opening the room, of course Hardin.

Hardin POV.
I have no idea who this girl is, but if she is going to make me forget about Tessa, I guess I am fine about any girl probably. One way or another I can't stop thinking about the fact Chris is going to touch her. Fuck, I want to touch her, kiss her, fuck her even just talk to her, hug her. What the hell is that girl doing to me. Then I hear someone knocking on the door, but I am sure it is a dumbass again. The moment when the door opens I see Tessa standing there, that moment I see Tessa leaving the room I push this girl of my body and put pants on as fast as I can.
"Tessa, wait." I know she heard me because she turned around, she is shaking and I can't make up if she is angry or sad.

"What do you need Hardin?" She looks broken. Fuck she is even pretty if she is like this. "I don't know you, you walked into me remember?" She react directly "Yeah sadly I can't get that view away anymore. I lost my phone and I wanted to ask if you mabye knew where it was?" He shakes his head in a negative answer. "Okay thanks." I walk away, but then he takes my arm. "I haven't done anything with her. I mean I was planning on but I want to help you now. I wanted to help you already but you were totally- nevermind." I want to know what he was planning on saying. "What? You didn't finish what you were saying." He just ends up taking my hand and going back to the room, "I am going to get my shirt okay? Don't leave please."

He walks into the room and that girl follows him "Look I won't have sex with you so leave me the fuck alone." He looks at me but the girl isn't giving up yet "I can just give make you happy, I mean why would you leave me for this girl. I mean look at her- she looks like a fucked up little whore." I just look at the floor since I am not really sure what else to do, do I look like a whire? I mean no i do not. "Look, one I would prefer fucking her over you any time. Two she looks much better than you and three there isn't anyone a bigger slut than you. Now let's go Tess." I am not sure what I just heard, Hardin said positive things about me, he said I was pretty and he just called me Tess.

We start searching, for my phone. I gave Hardin my number so he could call it. The third time he called it I heard something. "I think I heard something ringing." I say. We walk into the toilet and there is my phone laying on the the floor, there is a huge crack in the screen. "Omg, it is cracked, fuck. I can't afford that, I am fucking broke." Hardin turns me around and cupped my face with his hands, "Give it to me", i am not sure why I should. "Why?" He looks into my eyes, "Let me pay for it. I own you that after what you saw." I don't even think about it but he already took it out of my hands. "We will search if my friend is up, it is 10 minutes away from here and then I will ask him to make it."

We are walking through the house when I see Chris kissing that same two girls again, "Hi, I am leaving, I will see you at school." He walks up to me and he takes my arm, "Hey, should I take you home?" I shake my head in a negative answer, "Hardin is taking me home, don't worry, go have fun."

We are sitting in the car with some music on, not too loud luckily. I hate loud music in the evenings, uhm nights. When we arrived at the house Hardin texted the guy. "He is still awake, (i look the clock and it is 2 am why is this guy still awake) we can do inside." I nod and get outside the car, he takes my hand and stops right in front of me. "Hold on my hand okay? Look this guy is a nice guy, but he is uhm- a little touchy. If he touches you I will break his nose, again." I walk right behind him and I keep following him. *knock knock*

"Hey, man," I guess he sounds a little drunk and stuff. "Hey" he gives him a hand. "Mmh.. who is this hottie?" He tries to take my arm, when Hardin snaps and pushes him away. "Don't man. She is here with me, for her phone. That's it, don't touch her, I am going to break your nose again man." He starts working on my phone, there isn't many place on the couch, but there is a place next to that creep. But the moment I try to walk over there, I feel Hardins hand on my hand. "Come sit on my lap." I sit on his lap and he rests one hand on my tights and one on the couch.

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