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Chris POV.
This is the I see Eva doubting, "Ev, can I kiss you?" She nods and slowely push my lips against hers, I am actually kissing Eva, finally I wanted long to do this but it was all worth it. The kiss get rougher very fast. I take Eva's face in my hands and the kiss get hotter. I go to her neck softly and places kisses over her neck and jawline. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. Eva is the love of his life. Christoffer may never admit it to her or his friends, but she is. He feels save when he is around her, he feels like himself but the better version. He isn't the cheating fuckboy he was, he is different now. He is Christoffer Schistad, the guy that will only change for Eva. No other girl made him feel this way, special and loved.

 No other girl made him feel this way, special and loved

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Eva POV.
This kiss felt right, I didn't want to go home anymore. This kiss was meant to be, we were meant to be. He is really important to me. I know most people do not get Christoffer, I do. He is a sweet guy with a huge heart but a horrible family and past. Chris is a beautiful boy on the in and outside. I never really loved anyone else than my parents and family, but everything is so different with Christoffer which makes me feel free and okay about any decision I make. Christoffer was being sweet, he isn't penetrator chris, he is Christoffer Schistad. My soon and hopefully to be boyfriend. I mean Noora and Willy were already together so why could Chris and I not be together right?

Chris picks me up and leads me to his room. He layed me on his bed and kissed me on my forehead. I know I love Christoffer but does Chris love me back? Or the way I do? I never knew having a crush was this hard. Yes I crush on Shawn Mendes and yes he is one of the hottest humans alive, but this is real life. This is so much different.

"Eva, stay with me? Please. I want to hold and watch you untill you fall asleep, I think we are sort of together now. So I have to look out for you babe." Chris says smiling, I nod, "So we are together?" He nods and gave me a sweet soft kiss on my lips. "Yes we are together, so just incase you didn't know, I am a jealous type. So no other guy expect from William can hug you." He says seriously but then breaks it with a laugh. "No I am serious about guys touching you though. No other guy can though you like me okay? I am ready to fight literally anyone for you."
"Then you can't hug girls or kiss them. Or let them dance to close to you." I say and he kisses my lips softly again.

Thank you for the 1.36k readers:) i am planning on ending this book soon:(

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