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Eva POV.
First schoolday after we got on that trip, things kind of got complicated with Chris. After the rape I have been a lot at home or in my room crying, I know it sounds strange, because William and Christoffer wanted me to be with one of them at least so I wasn't alone and nothing could happend. But I had to be alone, so I could breath without looking around me. I love them both for being good friends, but it is hard to hold my tears when I am about to cry. But today I can't I have to keep that in mind, I am going to school today so I shouldn't show people I am scared. I can't show them my fears.

I arrived at school by taking the bus. I hate the bus, but I didn't want to ask Christoffer or William to take me. I am just not ready to talk yet. Mabye later this day, mabye not today, but I will probably have no choice since they always seem to notice me. I entered school and everyones face was pointed at me, why? I have no clue, but they are and they make me even more insecure.

 I entered school and everyones face was pointed at me, why? I have no clue, but they are and they make me even more insecure

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I am standing next to my looker putting soms books in it, I only need Biology right now. "Hi angel." Of course Christoffer was talking to me again, "Hi" I say.
"Can I talk to you, please? It is important." Chris asks and I nod follow him, he takes me to an empty classroom and leaned against the door. "I wanted to asks if you are okay, since what happend, and I wanted to tell you if you ever need someone to talk to I am here for you." Sotly he adds "I always will be" i think he thought I didn't hear him, but I did. "Christoffer, I am not okay. I feel horrible and disgusting, but I will get better thank you for asking." I give him a hug and he gives me a kiss on my hair, he always does this and makes me feel save.
"Can I walk you to your classroom?" He asks insecure, "of course" I say with a smile. Since the trip Christoffer is actually being sweet and making me blush a lot. I don't know how I actually feel about Christoffer. Yes he is a good friend but so is William, but Christoffer makes me feel a little different, special, special is the word. The little things he does, kissing my hair or forehead, talking to me in private, keeping my secrets, those little things just make me feel good.
I feel someone holding my hand and I see we are already in front of my classroom, "are you okay?" He asks me, i nod and he lift my hands to kiss the top of them, I smile at him and he smiles softly back.
This is the moment I noticed I have feelings for Christoffer Schistad, the huge fuckboy.

Biology is going fast, thank god. I hate biology a lot, my teacher is boring and she isn't really good at explaining things, a lot students already had to help her with the right answer. Is it really that hard to study for a job and to actually get it? Like ugh, that annoyed me so much. She annoys me, everything annoys me right now. I just want to go home and watch movies all day long.

Thank you guys for the 1.16k i love all of my readers and thank you for the starts, feedback and just the fact you guys take the time to read my story<3

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