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Today was the last day Friday, after this day I had one day to pack my stuff. After this day we went to Austalia with the car (to the airport) and then the airplane. Tessa had never been on an airplane before so Noora and Eva had to bring some stuff to keep Tessa calm.

Eva POV.
"Last school day before the amazing trip bitcheess!" I jell to Noora and Tessa. They both laugh as I make my way to our first class, biology. I have biology with Isak, I love Isak he is like the best guy friend I ever had. The teacher explains us something about sex, and how the penis and vagina works. All the dumb ass guys start laughing, like those things are normall in life. People are so childish like the word "penis" isn't something strange. "Well class is over since all of you aren't even trying to think about it. You can go now." We all leave the room and take our stuff.

Hardin POV.
"Do you guys think I should dm or text Tessa, she is well a innocent. I just don't want to make her feel uncomfortable with me you know." The guys nod, "Well, I would go straight for it, but that is my way. I don't do relationships and so don't you and William." Chris says accepting the fact he is like that, but I, I can't just except it. I do think Tessa has something interresting, if it isn't her smile it could be her attitude or her laugh or her smell. But something if making me lose my mind, mabye it is the innocent way she is. I can't tell yet, but I will find out soon enough.

Chris POV.
I see Eva walking out of her Biology class. I wasn't planing on going to see her now, so I will just dm her instead, she may like the stalker role a little.
me: hello beautiful, was biology that boring?
[dm with evamohn]
evamohn: hi stalker much?
me: does it turn you on?
evamohn: no sweetheart, but what do you need Christoffer?
me: nothing babe. Just checking in on you.
evamohn: okay?
me: do you need a right home?
evamohn: no don't worry Willhelm is bring us home

I arrived at William's car. William is already sitting inside with Noora, Tessa and of course Christoffer. "Hello beautiful," Christoffer says as I walk in. "Christoffer," I say, i am not interessted in playing his dumb games they will just hurt my feelings. "Thanks william." I say as he starts the car. First he drops of Tessa, then Noora and I. Christoffer keeps looking at me, "You look pissed. Something wrong?" I shake my head negative not looking at him "Nope," I added the p just because I could. "Okay if you say so." He says and this makes me even more angry. We arrived at home and I tried to get out of the car, "No goodbye kiss?" Chris says and I keep walking, "Thank you Willy" and I give William a hug. Then i walk away.

Noora POV.
"Why keeps Christoffer asking you shit?" I ask Eva. "I have absolutely no idea, well actually I do. He wants to get into my pants. Not going to happen." I got the feeling Eva is kind of scared with these things, relationships, sex and other stuff. I am not afraid of those things, I am just carefull I guess. Tessa, well Tessa loves everyone, she judges people, but that is because of her mom mostly because she isn't a bad person at all. "So let's pack our stuff."

We both grab everything we need and end up with 2 suitcases, one for noora and one for me and a little back.

We both grab everything we need and end up with 2 suitcases, one for noora and one for me and a little back

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Noora and Eva went to bed and fell asleep minuts after packing, they both were so tired.

Eva POV.
"Wake up Noooooor!! Today is the day!!" Noora gets up, but slowely of course. The noora way. "Willhelm texted me, he is picking us up in 2 hours we have to be ready!"

I don't have a lot of homework for this next week so I will try to upload even more. Comment your opinions on my story<3 HOW CAN I BE RANKED AT #3 IN THE AFTER HASHTAG WOW-

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