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Tessa POV.
"We invited all the others for tomorrows party." Noora tells. I personally don't love parties but they are alright. I am not telling the girls I don't love them, I will ruin it for sure. So I decided to tell the girls I am feeling sick, "Girls, I am not feeling great.." I feel bad for lying but I am just not in the mood to party tonight. "Should we cancel the party?" Noora asks and I shake my head "Nooo girls, don't worry about me. Today we are going to see Australia and I will be there. If I don't feel like partying tonight I will sleep."

"You girls ready?" The teacher asks and we all go in the bus. The bus will take us to a little market so we can see a little culture.

Eva POV.
"We should see some little shops, they look so cute." Noora says, the teacher told us we had to learn 3 things they make her and then we are free for this afternoon. We learned they made bracelets, pancakes and culture related stuff. It was beautiful, but I was getting hungry, "Should we get something to eat I am starving." I ask the girls and they agree to get something, I ordered a waffle, Noora ordered something with cheese and Tessa ordered Fish.

" I ask the girls and they agree to get something, I ordered a waffle, Noora ordered something with cheese and Tessa ordered Fish

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The food was amazing. It was enough and not to much. We got up to get to the van who is picking us up in ten minuts, to bring us back to the cabin. "What should we eat people, or shouldn't we eat and just order some food for the party?" "I think we should eat something." I made toast for the girls and we eat it in nothing closr to silence. Yes we did eat toast as dinner because none of us were really hungry.

Noora, Tessa and Eva are looking for an outfit to wear. "This would look amazing on you Eva!"

I ended up wearing exactly that outfit, since the girls wanted me too andTessa told me if I didn't wear that she would stay in her room

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I ended up wearing exactly that outfit, since the girls wanted me too andTessa told me if I didn't wear that she would stay in her room. I didn't really had a choice.

 I didn't really had a choice

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(Noora's outfit)

(Tessa's outfit)Eva POV

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(Tessa's outfit)
Eva POV.
The three of us actually look cute, I love their outfit they look freaking amazing in every single thing they ear. I love the way Noora is always so comfortable about the pretty outfits she is wearing. We went downstairs and putted all the drinks in the fridge, and on the table. A lot of alcohol and also not alcohol related drinks since not everyone drank alcohol. *knock knock* I open the door to see Hardin, Christoffer and William standing in front of it with some other penetrators waiting behind them. There are some girls with them too, "So let's get this party started right?" Christoffer asks and walks in giving me a wink and a soft smile, I love the way his teeths are beautiful and his smile is adorable. Everyone walks inside and we close the door behind them, everyone is having fun and drinking. Almost everyone drinks, I don't drink that much, like I do drink but not too much. I want to remember tomorrow. I see Christoffer over there standing with a bear in his hands. He is looking me up and down and he is smirking again, but I can tell her already drank at least two of them.

Thank you guys for the 700 readers<3 I will try to bring one couple together soon:) be prepared

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