five years later.

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Eva pov.
"Chris, get your ass down here!" I yelled from downstairs. "Chris, seriously!" After a few second I heard Chris laugh and he ran up to me and lifted me in the air,
"Baby, how is my little girl?" He asked me and I knew he was talking about both of us. "She is fine, she is playing with Blakie." I told him with a smile,
"so we can?" He asked me and I shook my head. "We are not having sex while those kids are playing." I let out a laugh and while it gets a little more quiet I hear some sounds coming from the other room, I think the fuck not! I run upstairs, 

"Harold and Tessa! Tell me you guys aren't making an another baby!" I yell and I hear Tessa laughing, "She called you Harold!" Tess laughed really loud and I knew one thing, "You are laughing right now, but when I fuck your legs until they are shaking you wouldn't be-" Hardin yelled and I cutted him of, "Harold!" I yell and I ran downstairs.

"Why can they fuck? Why can't we make love as well?" Chris asked me with a sad puppy look on his face, "Because there need to be someone mature enough to look over those kids." I tell him and I gave him a small kiss.

Tessa pov.
"Did you re-really have to tell her we are fucking?" I ask Hardin and he keeps pumping in and out of me, "Are you ashamed of me fucking you?" He asked with a cocky smile he knews I would never be ashamed of him, ever. "No, but-" he cuts me of by smashing inside of me again, "no buts" he starts moving more and more and I can't help, but grab the covers. "You like that when I bite your neck?" He asks me while biting it softly and I nod my head, "ye-yeah." I breath out. He turns us over and I am on top, "grind on me," he says and I don't move, "ask me nicely and mabye I will," I tell him with a smile on my face, "Baby, will you ride my fat dick?" He asks me and I start getting wetter on his dick and I start moving and grinding on him.

Noora pov.
"Willhelm, are you ready?" I ask him and he nods his head. We got outside the room and we heared the headboard of the room next to ours, "Harold and Tess," I say and he says "I think Chris and Ev," he smirks and I can't help but let out a laugh, "okay let's bet. If it is your you can pick the name of our dog, but if I got it right I will pick the name?" He nods his head and we ran downstairs and found Chris and Eva, "Ha, I win!" I yell and I start jumping and dancing around.

"What is that about?" Hardin asks when he gets inside the kitchen. "We had a bet, I thought you guys were fucking, he thought it would be Chris and Eva. I won, I get to decide the dogs name and his name will be Zed."
[I had to]

No ones pov.
So our lives are good, the three of us live together in a beautiful house. William, Hardin and Chris came up with the idea. The only one who really had to think about it was Eva, because she used to have much space for herself and that would be gone with five others, but she liked the idea after talking about it. Hardin and Tessa got a babyboy, his name was Blake, but pretty much everyone called him Blakie. Blake was a smart kid, just like Hardin and Tessa. They are great parents, Hardin even reads him at nights.

Chris and Eva, they got a baby girl really fast after Tessa got pregnant, the girls name is Scarlett. Scarlett got Chris's hair and eyes, but she got Eva's cute giggle. Scarlett told us she wanted to marry Hardin one day. The entire group was really protective over those two kids, Blake and Scar kept the group even more together.

Noora and William were thinking about a dog, both of them are loving animals. And a child wouldn't work with William working all the time. I mean the others could take care of the baby as well, but they didn't want that and a dog is easier if you are alone most of the time like Noora.
Noora and William were really happy, they had the weekends together and this worked for them perfectly. They are really strong, they are perfect for each other, because they are both busy and really strong together.

The six of us were meant together, the way we are together, strong. We are strong, Hardin makes Tessa stronger, Chris makes Eva stronger and William makes Noora stronger, but in the beautiful end we really make each other stronger, but each one of the six is also strong on their selves as well. They always say, what does not kill that makes you stronger, we will be strong and it will we always will be strong and grow stronger.

Thank you guys for the 9k+ reads! This is insane and when I started this story I never expected it to go this well, thank you for the comments, reads and all the love. I love you guys<3

917 words

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