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Noora POV.
"Babe" william said, "I thought about telling you this for a longer time but, I going to London, not sure for how long. I would love you to come with me, as my girlfriend." I expected a lot but I didn't expect this at all,
"Uhm, I- how can I do that with school? And my friends and Norway itself?" I ask william I am not sure how I can survive without Tessa and Eva by my side, I would even miss Christoffer and Hardin. "Babe, don't worry about it they can always come by. And I looked it up, you have enough credits to pass and finish school early. Noora I ask you this not to get you away from Norway, I ask you this because I love you as person, you are my first real girlfriend and yes I would miss Hardin Christoffer Tessa and Eva too, but we are going to be seperated ones in our life. Why not right now with the love of my life babe? You know how much I do love you and how greatfull I am for you." This is the moment I grab Williams face and kiss him. We let go after a couple minuts, "I love you so much Willhelm Magnusson."

William POV

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William POV.
I am going to tell Chris first, since Chris and I haven't been seperated since first class. We are like brothers, even closer, he is like my soulbrother. He means a lot to me, Chris always had shit with his parents and of course Hardin knew about this but hristoffer always told me every single detail, how his dad punched him and how he felt like a mistake, i always cheered him up. Now I hope Hardin and Eva can do that, I mean yes I will always be here for Chris, but less than I am now. I love him so much and he knows that I would never do this with the reason to hurt him.

I call Christoffer, "Hey man, can I come over to your house to talk?"
"Yeah sure" he hangs up and I go over to the car to drive my way to Chris his house. I rang the doorbell 2 times and Chris opens his door, "Hey man come in." I thank him and walk inside, "Man I need to talk to you, I I don't want you to be mad at me okay?"
"Did you kiss Eva? Because I will kill you if you did." I shake my head negative, "No man I would never, I think Noora and I want to move in together, but not in Norway."
"Where do you want to live Will?" Chris asks, and I am sure I hurted him. I love chris a lot but I have my love life too and my bro life of course too. "London" I say without saying anything else.
"Yeah, sure that is fine. You need to live with her man, she is the love of your life. Go for it." He says and I am not sure if he is hurt or not. Normally I notice this in a second but he seems okay. "I should pack my stuff, thanks Chris." I say and give him a bro hug and I went home to pack my stuff.

Chris POV.
William is leaving me, actually leaving me. I tried so hard to not get angry, I get it he wants to move on with Noora, but he always was my best friend. I told him every single thing that goes on in my life, Hardin is really a good listener, but he is shitty at advice. I think I have no one when William leaves, no one that trully gets me.

Eva POV.
willy: hey I think Chris could use some company right now.
I didn't need any explanation I just grabbed my phone and jacket and I drive to his house with my skateboard. I knock on his door and he opens it, "Eva? What are you doingg hereererer?" I can see it in Chris his eyes, he is drunk and sad oh god help me. "I came to listen." I tell him getting in and giving him a hug, "let's go to the living room, you sit on the couch and I get you some water." He falls down on the couch and he lays a little on the couch with his entire body on the couch. "Here you go." I give him the glass and he drinks a couple sips. I put the glass on his table and I feel his hand on my back making me turn around, "Yes?" I ask him. "William is leaving Norway and moving to London with Noora, I don't want to talk about it I just want a hug. He gives me a sign to sit between his legs. I sit and he pushes my body into his chest and holds me with his arms. Noora and Willy are leaving me... Noora was my first friend. I actually think I am going to cry, "Hey, don't cry babe." Chris says as he lifts my face and take the tears away with his tumb. "I know it is fucked up right now and it will be fucked up for a longer time, but we will get through it with the four of us. You Hardin Tessa and me." I look into his eyes, then his lips, I never thought about kissing Chris for a second, but right now I see him do the exact same. Can I kiss him or shouldn't I?

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