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William pov. (Listen to perfectly wrong- shawn mendes/the chorus)
Noora and I went to Hardin and tessa their wedding, it was beautiful. I never thought guys like us ,Christoffer, Hardin and William, would end up with girls like them, Eva, Tessa and Noora. I always dreamt about having a normal life with a girlfriend, but I never imagined getting married with the love of my life. Noora and I aren't always perfect, but who is right. No couple is perfect. But one way or another I feel like we are getting closer and closer to being perfect. Noora and I both didn't want childerens yet, it seemed a little too early for us. I know Christoffer wants to have childerens, he was talking about two or three. He already had names and stuff. Noora and I prefer to take things the slow way, because we are still young, so we have a couple years more to decide what it is going to be.

Christoffer pov. (listen to get you the moon-kina)
Thinking about the last couple years makes me happy. Of course the six of us had their ups and downs but we always got better. I remember when Hardin told me he was having sex with this girl and he screamed 'Tessa' by coming undone. I laughed my ass off, since it was one of the most funniest things ever. First he thought it was only sexual attraction but later he knew it was more. Eva is my everything, I know I am in the army now and I know seeing her only ones in a time is hard for me, but she is always so happy when I come back, so am I. I mean I can die everyday, but in the meanwhile I am saving so many people. Eva and I have been trying to make a child, it was hard but it worked out. When I got home from the airplane Eva yelled 'We did it' and I now what she was talking about. You probably can't imagine but imagine me crying. I am the luckiest men alive, I got the girl I love so much, I am getting a child who we will name Grace or Grason. I am so lucky to have Eva, my friends, my bestfriends Willhelm and Hardin, mabye not the family, but I am starting a new family, with Eva and that is the only family I will be needing. I will give you everything eva, untill the day I die.

Hardin pov. (Listen to never let me go-florence+ the machine/the chorus)
Me being happy, strange right? But I am. More than ever. I am not really like the other guys, I am horrible with my words face to face, but on paper it is easier. I don't mind talking about the one girl that means something to me. I don't care about the many fucks I have had. I care about Tessa, first I just felt sexually frustrated by her, but after a couple conversations and hearing some beautiful laughs coming from her, I knew it had to be more. Did I knew it was love? The answer is no, I didn't. I didn't knew love at all. No one ever showed me any kind of love, but Tessa did. When I was feeling sad, she didn't gave me a blowjob, she gave me a hug and a kiss. I know every single girl would have done the first one, because they only cared about me having sex with them, me too. I never cared about anyone, untill Tess. She is just so different than all the other girls, she cares, she loves, she laughs with me and she feels save when she is around me. I would never hurt my baby in any way, she means to much to me to hurt her. She is the most beautiful and precious thing that ever happend to me and I am never letting it go.

I actually like this one I guess. Listen to the songs to give it extra feelings. Thank you guys for the 2.97k<3 I will try to post one of two times more this week but I got 8 tests this week lucky me, do you smell how I am being sarcastic asf;)

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