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There is sexual abuse in this chapter. If you can't handle that please skip this chapter, this part is a little heavy.

"No, get away from me! Now!" I scream because he has to leave right now, I know I can't control my attacks when he is here with me. "Babygirl, we are going to have a little fun okay?"
"Get away from me Jack!" It was my ex boyfriend, I have no idea how he know where I was and I can't handle this anymore. I start feeling surrounded, like there is no air in here anymore.
"Leave me the fuck alone!" Jack walks up to me and pushes me against the wall and something falls, along with me, on the floor.
"Don't scream to your papi, babygirl we don't want to happen what happend last time right? We can do this the easy fast way." I am totally frozen as I feel his hands getting into my pants, he gets them off and I can't move anymore. The panic attack got to my head I start crying, the only thing I can do right now is cry.
"Babygirl you aren't a fucking baby are you. We both know you like this the way only I can make you feel." I see him unzipping his jeans and then I feel his dick entering me rough and he starts moving, I feel myself getting the option to move, so I try to push him away and he noticed that. He slaps me right into my face,
"Don't do that again slut, you enjoy this right?" He takes a sharp object and places it on my throat while still moving in and outside of. He is hurting me, "you are hurting me jack, stop please." I start crying again and I feel his releave, he is finished so he got out and he zips his jeans again and he takes my cheeks in his hands to slap it again that is the moment he makes his run. I didn't stop crying, I feel the blood running down my legs, he never hurted me this bad. I feel like an object, an ugly useless object. No one could help me, not even myself.

Chris POV.
I searched for Eva for over 15 minuts, I didn't see her anywhere. I mean yes I wanted to see her, dance with her, kiss her, just holding her. "Eva!" I jell but the music is too loud, I am sure there are some people that saw her, "hey did any of you see Eva?" The all shaked their head in negative, wait. I told her where her drink was mabye she is drunk in the barn. "Eva, are you in here?" I jell outside of the door when I walk in I see Eva laying of the floor with no bottom clothes on blood and she is crying. I run over to her,
"Eva, babe, talk to me what happend? Eva." The blood makes me even more worried, but she is crying like real tears. Someone hurted her, there is laying something sharp next to her legs.
"Eva I will call William and Hardin. But I will stay here with you." She only nods
"Hardin get william and tell everyone the party is over get to the barn after that." I hang up and grab Eva to set her on my lap I take off my jacket and put it around her shoulders, "do you want me to put your pants on?" She nods so I grab her pants and put them on slowely and carefully, who the hell did something to a beautiful sweet girl like her.
"Everyone is back at their- what the hell happend here?" Hardin says as he walk over to Eva and me.
"Jake-" Eva says. I knew nothing about this Jake, Hardin knew nothing either. "Eva what happend?" William runs over to eva and holds her hand, "Jake" she repeats. I think William knew exactly what happend because his face changed in one second. "What did he do Ev?" William asks.

Eva POV.
I had to tell them now, there was no more hiding, I had to tell them Jake was my ex boyfriend who forced me to have sex with him, I have to tell them my first time was forced and a rape. But the only thing that comes out is "he did it again." I start crying again and I feel Chris his warmth in my neck he gives me a little kiss on my cheek which makes me feel more comfortable. "What did he do again babe?" Chris asks. I can't... I have to. "He- he- I didn't want this I didn't want to let him- I I couldn't stop him I tried but I couldn't." I start crying and I feel Chris is even holding me tighter. "Jake is my ex boyfriend I didn't want to have sex with him again. My first time- i it was with him. Not willing. I didn't want to but he- he gives me those horrible panic attacks, he uses them to do those kind of things." I see Chris his face turning mad, he is angry with Jack I can tell. So are William and Hardin. I feel like a ugly object. I feel used and disgusting.

William POV.
"Chris stay here with her. Me and Hardin will go out for a little. Get her to her room okay?" Chris nods and understands what I am trying to explain. Me and Hardin are going to ruin this guys life and face. No one touches my friends, no one. Hardin, Christoffer and me did this more times, when someone touches our friends, but Eva is already broken and he made her even more broken, he raped her.

Chris POV.
He raped her, he fucking raped her. "Eva I am going to carry you to your room." I tried to be as carefull with her as I could be. She deserved nothing like this, she didn't deserve to be treated like total shit. She is too good for that. "Thank you." She says quiently but close enough to my ear so only I could hear it, there wasn't anyone else but she was just being insecure. We walk into the room and I lay Eva on her bed. I sit next to her and look into her beautiful eyes. She is broken, the one thing I love about Eva is her beautiful laugh and smile. She is always beautiful, but her smile is pure and it actually make her eyes lighten up. "Should I change you? Or do you want to stay in those clothes?" I ask her not to loud. "Change" she answered I walk over to her closet but there aren't smart clothes. I take of my tee to see Eva standing next to her bed she is trying to get those clothes off, I have to help her. "Let me help you Ev, I am going to take your tee first okay?" She nods and I get off her t shirt without looking at her figur I put on my t shirt, it is disrespectfull to do that especially right now. "Eva, hey,"
I lift her head so she is facing me, "You are beautiful and he is a dumb guy for making you feel this way, especially when there is a guy like me around you. He hurted you, I will make sure he feels worse babe." I give her a little kiss on her forehead and I see a small smile.

I made this part and I uploaded directly after so I am writing the next one right now

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I made this part and I uploaded directly after so I am writing the next one right now. This is a long one enjoy
Also someone asked me for more Hessa, I am thinking about the perfect "getting together line" and I want it to be perfect not rushed but I will work on a little hessa i n the next chapter<3

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