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Eva POV.
I look up at Christoffer and give him a small smile. He walks over to me and sits next to me, "Why aren't you enjoying yourself babe?" I actually don't really know what to answer, "U- I am just tired I guess, also Noora and Tessa are with Willy and Hardin." Christoffer takes my hands in his and starts dancing with me, I laugh at him trying to make me smile, but it works. "Come with me okay? I am getting a drink, but I don't want you to be with these guys alone." He takes my hand again and grab another bear. "Do you want something to drink?" I shake my nod and ask him if I can get a cherryvodka, he looked suprised, "I don't drink bear, that is disgusting." I laugh and he smiles at me, not the fuckboy smile but a cute dorky smile. "I am going to use the toilet I will be back in a couple minuts." I give him a quick kiss on his cheek and walk away.

Noora POV.
"Tessa!" I try to reach Tessa, since I am trying to talk to her because I got a message of my ex boyfriend, he wanted to get back with me but I never will. Instead of Tessa I find William, "Noora? Are you okay? You have been crying, why?" I hug him tightly, this feels right. It doesn't feel forced or strange. I smile up to him, "Thank you. My ex boyfriend, well he texted me, he wants me back. But I don't want to see him ever again. He wasn't loving me at all. I probably do not deserve love or anything else like tha-" at that moment William cuts me of, "Noora Sætre, you are a beautiful person, who deserves everything good in life. If he was not loving you he was a very dumb boy, because I do not believe there is anyone is this entire world that isn't liking or loving a beautiful, wonderfull person like you. So believe me when I say it wasn't your lose, but his. He is just-" this was William, my Willhelm, the guy that always knew how to make me feel save, this is the moment I kissed him softly, but it was full of love and passion. This was meant to be, we knew this was meant to be. "Noora sætre, I love you."
"William Magnusson, I love you so much."

(This is the Noorhelm get together part I hope you guys like it:) I think I do)

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(This is the Noorhelm get together part I hope you guys like it:) I think I do)

Eva POV.
I am getting out of the bathroom and start searching for Christoffer. I went downstairs and search, but then I heard Hardin saying he went upstairs probably to find me or something. I walk into a couple rooms and see people making out. I keep searching for Christoffer. When I get into Chris his own room I see him sitting in the corner of his room, is he crying? "Christoffer are you alright?" I walk up to him and sit next to him, "What happend Christoffer? Please talk to me." I hear him crying and see him swiping his tears of his face. "My parents are coming back home." I am actually happy for him now, "that is great! You get to see your parents again!" He starts laughing sarcastically, "Yeah much fun, my dad and mom fighting over everything my little sister and me feeling like we were mistakes and my dad being cruel and agressive.." o my gosh I said something very dumb. "I am so sorry I didn't knew Christoffer." He told me I shouldn't feel sorry about it and he would make his grandma babysit his little sister so she shouldn't have to hear or see anything cruel.
"You deserve more than that Chris." I am so sorry for him. I know it isn't my fault but it shouldn't be happening, mabye that is the reason why he is like this, fucking around and stuff.


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