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"Nooraaaa! Tesssss! I am done with my dress can I wear this?"

"Omg yes girl, you have to wear that! If you don't wear that I will hunt you down!" Noora says and Tessa adds "and I will help her and kick your butt

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"Omg yes girl, you have to wear that! If you don't wear that I will hunt you down!" Noora says and Tessa adds "and I will help her and kick your butt." All three of us start laughing. I love these girls so much. Tessa ends up wearing a skirt with dots on it and so did noora. Noora wears a black one whe
"Call William, he has to pick us up or call someone to pick us up." Eva says, Noora called him and came back to tell us Hardin will pick us up. I am already happy Chris isn't picking us up. Hardin arrives.

Hardin ends up wearing clothes like this. It is Danny inspired, from the movie Grease. Such a beautiful and good movie.

 Such a beautiful and good movie

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"Hello girls. Looking hot." Hardin says. He isn't looking bad himself. "Yeah let's go." Noora says and we drive to the party. I am glad there wasn't much talking on the way to the party since we don't like that.

"Here we are ladies." Hardin says. All three walk out and make our way inside. Everyone is wearing these nice old clothes. They give me a grease vibe and I love it. The 90's music starts playing and the three of us start singing along. "You are the one that I want you are the one."

Eva POV.
Grease is playing and I love it, I see Hardin and Will talking, but I don't see Chris any near them. But then I start looking around and I see Christoffer doing the usual stuff, make out, fuck repeat. Different girls and different times. I am not sure how I feel about that but when he is around me, well he seems to be different from who he is trying to be right now. "Evaaa, you came!" William says, "yeah of course I came the 90's are the best!" I laugh Christoffer stopped making out with the girl and walked over here.

Chris POV.
I heard William saying Eva's name, I didn't notice her untill now. She looks fucking hot in that jeans, o god, christoffer keep it in your pants. Fuck, someone has to free me. "Hallo, I was just looking for you." I say with a smirk on my head. "Didn't look like it." She laughs and I think she mind be a little jealous, "Pretty girl is jealous?" She shakes her head in negative, "No sweetheart, don't worry about that. Now you can find someone else to bother, but not me. Thank you." She actually looks irritated, I know that look everyone does.

Tessa POV.
Hardin keeps his eyes on me, it is strange since I just know him as the fuckboy he is. I never really got the point of, making out fucking and then leaving. It would just hurt the girl a lot and why the hell would you want to hurt someone. I just love to make people happy, see people greatfull and full of joy, but Hardin just seems so sad and alone all the time. Even when he is with girls, making about fucking them and more. He is still alone.

Noora POV.
William is such a sweet boy, but he keeps his eyes on me and Eva. The Eva party kind of makes me uncomfortable and sad. He isn't interrested in her is he. I mean she is beautiful and her figur, like her butt and boobs are much bigger than mine. I mean I can change that but I don't want to. I think my body is good the way it is and a relationship isn't only about the figur, it is about love, personality, not even about the looks.

Eva POV.
Christoffer keeps eyeing me up and down and then he licks his lips. It scares me I guess but I know he is just looking at my body. This is making me sad, knowing he would never actually like me for being me.

1:30 am
Eva POV.
"Police!" I hear someone scream. Then I see the police coming in, I get pulled up by someone and he runs with me in his arms. I don't know why I am not running myself, but I feel like I am frozing. He pulls me in his car and drives off really fast.

When I look up I see Chris in his car, he is completely focused on the road. "Thank you." I say quiently when we arrive at his house, "Do you want me to drive you to your house?" I shake my head, "I am fine I can walk-" he takes my hand and walks inside his house. "You can sleep in my room, it is upstairs third door. I will bring you some water in a few minuts okay." I nod and walk upstairs.

I love you guys so freaking much, thank you so much for reading my story. Feel free to comment<3

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