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Eva POV.
"We are hereee!" Christoffer says when we arrived at the beach cabin/house. I laugh at him because he is such a cute dork, uhm I mean dork not cute. "You guys are free for today, get yourself some food and tomorrows actividades start around 11 am guys. Don't stay up to late and come home." The teacher says and leaves us. "Guys there are 6 rooms in here, so we all have one room. They all agree and we continue putting our stuff down.

"Should we get something to eat? It is already evening and I am starving." Chris says in his dramatic tone. We all agree and we decided to go to the Mc Donalds. "Eva and I will get you guys something okay?" I am not really suprised he wanted to take me, since he is being a pain in my ass. "What do you want babe?" I get annoyed by the fact he calls me babe all the time like, boy i am not your babe. "First of all I am not your babe and second of all a fanta, cheese burger and fries. Mabye an ice coffee," I smiled at the comment I made. "Sure, everything for you." This comment didn't sound forced or annoying, it sounded real and sweet actually. Chris and I got inside and waited for our order, I wanted to pay for this because money wasn't my problem, but Chris didn't take my offer. Even not after ten times. "Hey chris, I didn't know you were here." A blonde is walking up to us, he looks awkward and mabye a little embarrassed. "Hi kim." He says she looks at me and she isn't that happy anymore. "Who is this girl?" He looks at me not knowing what to say, I am actually sorry for him this must be one of his crazy hook ups, "I am his girlfriend." I say and he smiles at me, not the cocky one but the sweet one saying 'thank you'. "Since when does Chris date? Because when I was well busy with you, you only seemed interrested in my pussy and well you are totally interessted-" This is the moment Christoffer cutted her off, "Mabye you weren't the right person, mabye she actually is. You weren't anything like the person she is you know, she is actually cute and sweet and hot and-" he got cutted off by someone screaming our order we get up and I take his hand in mine as we walk away. "I am sorry for saying that but she was annoying and ugh that girl was so fucked up and I hate the way she made you and me both uncomfortable." "Thank you," he gave me a kiss on my cheek and this is the moment I knew my feelings were more than just friendship feelings.

We got back with a lot of food. And all of them were playing truth or dare. Chris and I joined since we weren't that close to a place to go party. "We should party here tomorrow." Chris said, "mm... mabye we could." Eva said.


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Eva POV.
"Okay uh- Eva truth or dare?" Hardin asks, "Thruth." I wasn't really a badass, I was afraid of anything he had in his crazy mind. "Worst fear," he says without probably thinking, "Losing people or people using me" I say. Knowing why I was afraid of both. "Noor truth or dare?" Noora isn't sure what to answer but she knows Eva's dare can't be horrible, "dare" I run over to Noora and whisper something. "Okay we can go on now." I say with a big smile. "That isn't fair if you are going to make out or something we would like to join you know." Chris says with his typical smirk.
After an hour I walk to the JBL box Chris got with him and turned on some music. I turn on "Do it again by Pia Mia" I take Noora and Tessa's hand and start dancing.

Chris POV.
Me and the boys are outside when we hear music, I am pretty sure Eva stole my box. "We should go inside, I want to see what they are doing." I say and Hardin and Will join me. When we enter the cabin I hear them singing along, it is cute, Eva is cute. Fuck I should stop saying these stupid things. That is the moment I see Eva dancing and fuck, I know my boner is coming. The song "Kream by Iggy" is on and I have never wanted to touch someone so bad. This isn't only about touching her, but seeing her having fun is even better. "You coming dude?" Hardin asks and we start walking to the couch. Untill I see bears and go over there, "Hi Christoffer" eva says, "Hello beautiful" I say.

Eva POV.
Christoffer is standing right in front of me, he is looking in my eyes and I can't help but notice his beautiful hazel eyes. He comes closer and whispers something in my ear, "don't look at me like that please." I look at him confused, I have no idea what he meant by that.

O gosh I almost have 690 readers I have no idea how but thank you guys for reading my stories<3 also i am trying to bring the couples together all in a different way:) to make them all look unique and beautiful

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