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Eva POV.
I wake up in someone else bed. Not sure what to do I turn around. "Goodmorning sunshine." I see Chris his face, "O god. I didn't sleep with you did I?" He shakes his head and walks away. What the hell why didn't he just gave me an answer? I noticed I am still wearing my clothes which is a good thing. When I walk into the kitchen, "So we didn't right?" He looks up from his phone, "Do you have someone to pick you up or not? And as ans wer to your question, no, if we had sex you wouldn't be walking today." He smirks at me, that typicall and famous fuckboy smirk. I blush because i am ashamed, "I will call Will or Noora." He stops me when I try to walk away, "If neither of them is answering, tell me okay?" I nod and walk away.

Noora POV.
So let's start the moment with me picking up my best friend at my "crush" his bestfriends house. I get to Chris his house and call Ev to tell her I am here. She hang up and she got outside, when she got in we left to go to school.

"Hi class, you guys probably heard about the Australia trip? We wanted to give the first years a change to go on this trip too. So all the first years that like to go with us write down your name. The third years will be there and so will be some second and first years. We will pick around 10 first years and 10 second years." Noora, eva and Tessa decided they wanted to go to Australia for so long and now they could go together. They all wrote their names down.

Eva POV.
"Willyyy!" I scream. William turns around and looks at me "Sirieusly, willy? What can I do for you Eva?" I decided to just ask it instead of going around and stuff, "Are you going to that Australia trip? Because they told us 10 first years can join and I want to go to australia and Tessa and Noora (i wink at the name Noora) want to go to." "Well now I am. But yeah Hardin Chris me and the other Penetrators wanted to go. But we weren't sure yet," he adds, "but now I am." I walk away with a smile and jell "Tell Hardin and Schistad."
"I will." He laughs and we walk away.

This is a short part BUT I made some others so I will be posting soon again

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