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This contains sexual content (not much but a little for now)
Eva POV.
Last night Chris brought me to my room and he went back to his own, since his parents were coming home after this trip. I am so sorry for him, he is a sweet guy and he deserves much better than this. Yesterday Christoffer showed me a soft side of himself, the one I never experienced before. I hope we will talk a little today, since he is feeling sad and stuff. Mabye I can help him.

Chris POV.
Yesterday night was fucked up, I fucked a random girl after the deep conversation with Eva. She really didn't jugde me, but I felt like I had to forget about the conversation since I don't do feelings and stuff. Mabye I should post this girl on instagram, to make Eva believe she means nothing to me. I don't do sweet talks and shit it is not me. I wanted to post it but I think I shouldn't.
Eva POV.
"Goodmorning everyone" chris meets us in the living room and I notice the hickeys in his neck.

(Like these)"Slept well?" Chris asked us and I just nod, "I am going to use the toilet be right back

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(Like these)
"Slept well?" Chris asked us and I just nod, "I am going to use the toilet be right back." I walk away quickly and go to the toilet when I am in the bathroom I noticed my eyes were red and I knew something happend. I can't go back if I look like this, I just can't it will show everyone my weak moments and I just don't want to be weak anymore. I text Noora saying I puked and I am feeling very bad now. She tells me she will get to the cabin, after they finished the exercises.
I hear the front door crack open and I am sure Noor and Tess are back. I am glad they are since I feel horrible. I am not into Christoffer, but we had a good deep conversation and I thought he, well he was going to be nice to me. I thought he cared about me for a second, but the moment I believed he wasn't just a fuckboy he was fucking someone. Christoffer will never change for the good, he will always be the horrible fuckboy he is. Someone knocks on my door, "come in" is the only thing I say and then I jump in my bed as fast as I can, to look sick. "Hey, you weren't with us today. Why Eva?" William asks while walking in, I didn't expect William at all, "We, I didn't feel well, I puked and stuff." William walks closer and sits on my bed, I am not sure what he is going to do, but I hope he will leave this alone since I am not really the talking person. "No, eva tell me the real reason, why didn't you come with us?"

William POV.
I am sure that isn't the real reason, I am so sure. I do love Noora and I know eva very well too. Eva is important to me, she is like a sister to me, she is a beautiful human and I can see my bestfriend is hurt. "I think I am just hurt. I- I- uhm I haf a deep conversation with Christoffer yesterday and I thought he would be different after the conversation, but well he wasn't. He did not talk to me after the conversation." I did not know they had the conversation Chris never could have with me, I think she is the perfect person for him. "I think chris is a difficult person, he is never opening up to anyone expect from you Ev, I think it is already a huge step talking to him about personal stuff. Chris, himself opening up to anyone is really hard for him. He just needs time, he likes you so he will open up to you." Did he just say Chris liked me, because that was the only thing I could actually laugh about right now. "I will join dinner okay? To see if I feel any better at all." William leaves my room and I hear everyone enter the cabin. Noora got into my room and she had a coffee with her. In 3 days it is my birthday, but I don't do birthdays. I hate them.

Eva POV.
"Dinner is ready!" Noora jells trough the cabin, I get out of my bed and see I am in horrible clothes so I change fast into something better looking.

"Dinner is ready!" Noora jells trough the cabin, I get out of my bed and see I am in horrible clothes so I change fast into something better looking

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"Hi guys" I say as I walk in, I see Christoffer looking at me and he looks worried or something like that. Mabye mad I can't tell and I shouldn't even care, but then he eyed me up and down, again. I don't know what is wrong with that guy but there is a lot going on in his head. I sit on a chair and grab some food. "Why you avoiding me babe?" Chris whispers in my ear. "I didn't I just felt sick." I see Chris sitting in the chair next to a girl, I think it is the girl he hooked up with her last night, I see her hand grabbing his leg under the table and I think she is seriously jerking him while we are having dinner. You have got to be fucking kidding me, this is going to be a long night.


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