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Extra drama, since I hit the 200 readers! I love you guys so much wow. I never expected to get over the 30 readers and now we hit the 200 readers and I started crying when I saw this. Thank you so much DRAMA COMING UP.

Eva POV.
No, it can't be. No, no, no, no I am getting crazy. No no no "Go away" I scream. People around us aren't noticing because they are all drunk. It is my ex boyfriend, "Get the fuck away from me- no-now!" I wasn't sure if I could control my panic attack. He knew I had those and he used them against me. "Eva, I think we should talk babygirl. Or should we do different kind of thins, we can fuck too. I know you like my dic-."

This is the moment I see him coming at me, I start running and running inside the house where the party is right now, I have to search for Christoffer. "Chris!" "William!"

I run upstairs to walk in on William he was making out with a girl, but I didn't care at all, "Eva, what is wrong?" He takes my arm and leads me to a empty room, "My-my ex boyfriend is here. He- uhm he- he-" before I can finish William is getting angry, I couldn't tell William the truth the is like a brother too me. I couldn't tell him he forced me to have sex with him because he would kill him. I can see that right in his eyes. "I am going to call the Penetrator boys okay? We are going to end this right now." I push William back "No-no no no, don't tell anyone please, just keep me in here, so he wouldn't enter. Don't tell anyone please. I am already ashamed for telling you."
Chrisschistad: hey, where are you?! I have been searching for you and so has a other guy. Who is that guy anyway, I am still seaching pls answer me!?

Chrisschistad: Eva, i am worried for real please text me back

Chrisschistad: EVA.
William before leaving to pick up the phone "Eva, Chris is calling me. I have to pick up because he is my best bud. I will keep your secret okay? Just please tell me when you need something." I nod. I love William for being the brother I never had, he is actually trying to protect me, I think Christoffer is also trying to protect me, but well, in his way.

I am not feeling good at all, I may have to puke but I am not leaving this room. I should call William, the phone keeps ringing untill it goes to the voicemail.I speak in a message. "Dont worry William, I am going to call Chris. I will let you know when I got home. Thank you for helping me tonight." I decide to call Chris now, because I want to get home as soon as possible and I am not going to go by my home. *The phone goes over* "Hey eva, where the hell are you?" I am telling him I am sorry. "Can you please bring me home, I am in William's room right now." He tells me he will be there in 2 minuts.

*knock knock* "Hey Eva, it is me Chris." After he told me who he was I let him inside. "Hi, do you mind? Because if you do I will call someon-" he pulls me closer "Don't worry okay? I will bring you home."

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