Chapter 1: The Vote

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Is what Clementine heard before Marlon's lifeless body fell on her. She looks forward and sees AJ with his gun in his hands.

"W-what?" He stuttered. "I aimed for the head."

Everyone crowds around Marlon's dead body.

"No!" Louis yelled.

"Oh my God!" Omar exclaimed.

"Shit!" Violet yelled as well but she wasn't as affected as everyone else.

"W-we could get medicine, from the nurse's office!" Ruby said with a bit of hope in her voice. But all of that was shut down by Mitch.

"He's dead, the kid blew his brains out!"

"You shot him." Louis started. "He's dead. You're a murderer. You promised Marlon! You said you'd help him fix things! What the fuck did you teach this kid!?"



"Louis called me a murderer," AJ said, sadly. Clementine felt nothing but pity for the young boy. All this time, all she was doing was trying to teach him things that he would need to learn on the road. This time, AJ was trying to protect Clementine from Marlon.

"But... but we're supposed to kill bad stuff. Monsters?" He continued. "Did I do it bad?"

"Louis was right. Sometimes, people do bad things, as Marlon did. But when you shot him, he wasn't a threat to us anymore. If you kill someone when they're no longer threatening you, that's murder." Clementine looked at the boy whose face had grown a frown. As much as she hated to say it, Louis WAS right. What AJ did was murder.

AJ starts walking to the other side of the room. "What are we gonna do?"



Clementine looked to her left to see Mitch with his fists clenched. Suddenly, Violet stood in front of AJ with her bloodied meat cleaver out. "Back off, all of you!"

"It was under control! I talked Marlon down, then... He murdered my fucking friend!" Louis yelled.

"Take AJ, go inside," Violet said sternly.

"Come on, let's go." Clementine walked over to AJ.

"Oh, just let them go back to the dorms?!" Louis started. "What happens the next time one of us does something this kid doesn't like? Should we expect a bullet, too?"

"That's not what happened." Violet bickered with Louis.

"It's exactly what happened. It was over, 'til little Mr. Trigger-Happy decided otherwise!"

Clementine had had enough of this. "No, he wouldn't do that! He'd never hurt any of you! It was- Marlon threatened us!"

"AJ pointed the gun first!" Louis argued.

"We get it, Louis, just back off, okay?" Violet demanded.

"Back off? Seriously?!"




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