Chapter 5: Captured

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"Clementine... I have to tell you something." Louis said in a serious tone. Clementine's heart raced. Was he about to tell her bad news? What happened? Is she in trouble?

Louis notices her tense facial expression and attempts to calm her down. "Clementine, it's okay. You're not in trouble or anything. I just need to tell you something." Clementine lets out a sigh of relief.

"What is it then?"

"I- I don't know how to say this so I'll just say it." He takes a deep breath. "I- I have feelings for you. I've felt this way for a long time and- I just... I felt like this is the right time to just say it." 

Clementine freezes. Louis. Louis. The guy she had a crush on. Liked her. She had been waiting for this moment to come. But now that it's happening, she doesn't know what to do.

Louis looks up at Clementine and sees her surprised expression.

"Aw, shit, why did I even say anything? It's obvious you don't like me ba-"

Louis is interrupted by a pair of soft lips touching his. The luna beamed down at them as they kissed. Louis' eyes are widened from shock, but he kisses back. They finally pull away, panting. Clementine smirks.

"How's that for an answer?" Louis chuckles from her comment. "Of course I like you back, you dork. I liked you ever since you sang to me. Plus, I've always had a thing for brunettes."

Louis blushes but Clementine frowns.

"What will we tell the others though? It's not like we could just go out and tell-"

Louis interrupts her by touching her lips with his own, leaving her dazed. She finally giggles. 

All of a sudden, gunshots and screams ring out through the courtyard. Louis and Clementine run outside to see four men pointing guns at the kids.

"Shit!" Clementine exclaimed while dodging a bullet. She flipped a table over and grabbed her bow from the ground.

"Now, kids, we could do this peacefully if you just hand over the person who killed Marlon! Otherwise, I'm happy to drive a knife in your necks!" One of the men said with a deep raspy voice.

Clementine stopped and looked at AJ. He was looking at her too. She couldn't just let them take AJ, they'd kill him. With one swift move, Clementine rose up and aimed her bow at the man and widened her eyes. She saw Lilly and...


"Ah, Clementine, I haven't seen you in a while." His voice was even raspier than before. 

"This... can't be happening. I thought Kenny killed you!"

"I came close to dying, some guys found me and patched me up before I could turn."

Clementine gritted her teeth. She wanted to let go of the arrow right then and there. But that was way too risky. 3 men were already pointing their guns.

"I bet Lee wouldn't approve of this." Clementine's eyes widened. "Lilly told me all about him."

"Don't fucking say his name! I wish Kenny killed you right there!" Clementine yelled in a low, dangerous voice sending chills behind everyone's spine.

"Is this the Clementine I know? You were so sweet and innocent. Now, look at you."

Clementine had had enough of this. She let go of the arrow and hit Carver's leg. He groaned in pain as he stumbled backward.

Then, Clementine felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She had gotten shot by the men. Before anyone could help her, she felt someone punch her, sending her to the ground. Then, everything went black.

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