Chapter 33: Settling

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Louis both sat on their bed, placed in their new bedroom. It wasn't the most luxurious, but it was definitely comfier than their normal dorms back at the school. Clementine laid out a map on one of the desks, carefully studying it. Louis glanced back at her and sighed.

"Clem, c'mon. You don't have to look at that map anymore. We have a place to stay!" He reassured her, leaving no effect on her.

"Easy for you to say. You're not a leader, Louis. Javi, Luke, and I have to worry about our group 24/7. You think I want to do this? You think I like you stay hidden in the shadows, looking at some stupid map just to make sure we're safe?" Clem paused for a second, realizing what she said and feeling guilt slap her across the face immediately. "Shit, sorry, Lou. I- I just..."

"No, it's okay, I get it." Louis mumbled, walking out the door before Clementine could say anything. (That's right, I'm hitting y'all with a FIGHT HAHA)

The door closed, basically slammed shut as Clementine stared in awe at where Louis' presence used to be. She sighed and plopped on the bed, thinking about how she would make it up to her loved one.


Louis stormed out to the courtyard, surprised to see Gabe sitting against the tree. He walked over to him, practically collapsing on the ground next to Gabe. He peered at Louis.

"What's up?" Gabe asked, looking straight forward.

"Nothing." Louis said, looking away. He never liked Gabe ever since he kissed Clementine.

"Listen, Louis, I'm sorry. I really am. I know it wasn't a good idea to kiss Clem but I did it anyway because I... I thought it would make her like me. I was stupid, I know. But can we please just put this behind us?"

Louis hesitated before sighing. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have made a big deal out of it."

There was an awkward silence before Gabe spoke. "Was there something you wanted to tell me?"

Louis stopped, gazing at the dirt. "Me and Clem got in a fight. It's just... now that she's a leader, she sometimes likes to blow up in my face. But then she apologizes right after and I always forgive her. But it's like a cycle, Gabe. I don't even know if she's even sorry."

Gabe placed a hand on his shoulder. "Louis, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible. You're an idiot. Of course she's gonna blow up in your face, she's a leader. Try to step in her shoes. See how she feels. 'Cause right now, you're really just thinking about yourself. Think about it. How would you feel if you had to take care of a whole group? Plus, you have to take care of a kid, and you have to spend time with your significant other?"

Louis stayed quiet, taking in everything Gabe was saying.

"You gotta be more understanding, man." He finished before standing up. "I'm gonna get something to eat from the kitchen. Wanna come?"

Louis got up as well, walking with Gabe.


Clementine desperately looked for Louis, finally giving up when she had practically searched everywhere. She sighed as she sat down against a tree, clenching her now, healing wound. Not long after, AJ sat down next to her, sighing as he did.

"What's wrong, goofball?" She queried, ruffling his hair.

"Ever since Tenn..." He paused for a second, not knowing what to say. "I just... have no one to play with anymore. Tenn was my first real friend. But, I just don't want to replace him."

"Listen, everyone goes through these thoughts when they lose someone. He may not be here, but he's still here in your heart. I know how much you liked Tenn. But he would want you to move on."

"Yeah... he would." AJ muttered. Clementine looked around the place. It was basically was the same as Richmond, but just more crowded. Clem spotted a little girl sitting alone on one of the benches. She had short, stubby red hair that went down to her chin. She wore old denim overalls over a white shirt that had an obvious stain of blood. She nudged AJ, getting his attention.

"How about that girl? She's all alone. I'm sure she'll at least want to talk to someone."

AJ nodded, standing up and walking over to the girl. Clementine was so distracted watching AJ, that she hadn't even noticed an unfamiliar presence beside her. She looked to her right and saw Louis sitting there. She let in a sigh of relief.

"There you are, Louis! I'm so sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have blown up in your face and you--"

Louis placed up his hand, stopping her mid-sentence. "Clem. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I wasn't thinking about you, but I was thinking about myself. Gabe was the one who told me that before I realized how much of an asshole I was being. I can't imagine me taking care a group, a kid, and have a loved one to spend time with."

Clem shook her head with a slight smile. "Louis, that means a lot. But I can't let you get the blame. No matter how you reacted, I still shouldn't have blown up in your face. I just need to control my anger." She patted Louis' shoulder. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... you're forgiven."

Louis didn't smile. He didn't do anything except make a grimacing face at her.

"Is... there a problem?"

"Yes, there is a problem. The problem is how you patted my shoulder. I'm not some kind of dog, am I? Actually... don't answer that."

Clementine giggled before quickly pecking his lips.

All of a sudden, Javier ran up to the couple, alerting them.

"Is... there anything wrong?" Clem awkwardly asked, shifting a bit. The group were only settling in for less than a week. Could something already be wrong?

"Oh, no. Someone just wants to see you." Javi panted, now realizing that running was a huge mistake.


"I don't know. She's in the infirmary."

Clem nodded, standing up and walking into the main building, regarding there were only three buildings.


Clementine stepped into the infirmary, looking around to see nothing. Had Javier tricked her? If he had, why would he? All of a sudden, a voice was heard from behind her.

"Hello, Clementine."

Clem whipped her head around to see the woman who had given her the excruciating amount of pain earlier.


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