Chapter 39: So Sorry

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(Y'all are gonna hate me for this chapter XD)

Clementine marched in just in time to see Louis inside, lying down on the bed, reading the same book he had received from Eleanor. She quickly averted her eyes away from Louis, walking to the desk to lay down the medical supplies she had just taken from the infirmary.

Louis looked back at his book, overlooking her as soon as she turned to glance at him.

"Well, hello, Clementine, nice to see you too." Clem deadpanned, crossing her arms. Louis scoffed.

"Why should I say hi to a cheater?" Louis mumbled, still 'reading' his book.

"God, you really are a dick. Just forget it." Clementine rolled her eyes, turning around to take out the supplies from the med-kit. Louis glanced at her, wondering what she was doing.

"What're you doing?" He monotoned. Clem ignored him, continuing what she was doing. "Hey! I'm talking to you."

"So, now you wanna talk. Last time I thought, you didn't wanna talk to a cheater."

"Can you just shut up and tell me what the fuck you're doing?" Louis snapped, leaving no effect on Clem. She faced him, placing one hand on her hip.

"I'm stitching up your hand."

"Woah, Woah, Woah, who said that you're gonna be stitching up my hand?"

"I did, now shut up and sit so I can do it."

"Why can't Eleanor do it?"

"Because she's busy, now sit up!" Clementine ordered in a stern voice, intimidating Louis. He kept a straight face as he gradually sat up, evading her gaze. She leaned back against the desk, crossing her arms. There was a long minute of silence before Louis finally spoke up.

"Who is this guy you're all of a sudden talking about?" Louis asked, now sitting up on the two's shared bed.

"Who?" Clem muttered, keeping her gaze to the floor. Louis groaned.

"Arvo, dumbass." He quipped, rolling his eyes. Clementine glared at him, making him smirk and shrug. She sighed before speaking.

"Arvo. This dude who shot me when I was 11." Clem answered, making Louis scoff.

"You say that like it's normal or something."

"Well, kinda is. I get shot or stabbed every time we fight. Doesn't give me a reason to stop fighting, though."

Louis sighed, standing up and stepping closer to Clementine. She crossed her arms. Louis pointed at Clementine, poking just above her chest. "You. You need to pull yourself together. You can't be getting hurt every time like you're some weakling or something."

"Louis, you weren't the one leading a group. I tried to protect my people." Clementine argued, glaring at him.

"Oh? So they're now your people? They were Marlon's before your kid killed him."

"Are you really bringing that up just to pick a fight with me?"

"No fucking way. I've held onto this for all this time. I just managed to keep it to myself."

"I cannot believe how selfish you're being right now. If you would just step in my shoes for once, then maybe we wouldn't have this problem at all!"

"What about stepping in my shoes? What if you saw your girlfriend kissing her so-called best friend? Now you're calling me selfish and a dick just for having feelings! Clem, this is the second time you've kissed someone who wasn't me. I have a right to be upset. I'm sorry, but I can't trust you anymore." Louis yelled. "Maybe... maybe we shouldn't even be together anymore."

Clementine's eyes widened as tears started to well up. Sure, she was fine when they were in a fight. But them breaking up? The man who had helped her with her depression, with raising AJ, and had stuck by her side all along was leaving her. 

"L-Louis, come on. You know you don't want to do this." Clementine faltered, tears streaming down her face. She grabbed onto Louis' limp hands tightly, probably tight enough to cut off his blood flow. He looked away, ignoring her desperate cries.

Clementine couldn't imagine her life without Louis. She couldn't imagine waking up to no one next to her, nobody's soft lips on hers, nobody's warm touch against her cold skin. She couldn't imagine being alone again.

"Louis, please. I was wrong for not pulling away from Millie sooner. I was just in shock. But please, I can't imagine my life without you. Every time someone comes into my life, they always leave. You and AJ are the most important people in my life that are actually alive. So many people, family, friends, have died because of me. If you leave me, I... don't know what I would do." Clementine disclosed, practically sobbing by now. Louis jerked his hand out from her grasp, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"I'm sorry." He pulled away his hands away, walking to the door. Clementine had watched Louis come into her life, and now she had just watched him walk right out. Facing the desk, she swept off the med-kit from the table to the ground, making both the med-kit break, and all the supplies falling out, including the small letter from Clementine that explained how much she really loved him.


"С кем вы столкнулись?"

"Англичанин Темная кожа. Странные волосы."

"Девушка. Клементина. Она там была?"

"Нет. Но у меня такое ощущение, что она со своей группой."



"Давайте тогда."

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