Chapter 7: Trust

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Clementine, Sophie, and Minnie had been walking for hours. Their feet were starting to hurt, and their food supply was already running low.

"Can we please take a break?" Sophie complained.

"We can't stop. We're almost there." Clementine replied, even though she wanted to take a rest too.

"Clem's right, Soph. We can't stop. Not when we're so close."

And they were correct. They had made it to the school gate in less than 10 minutes after that. Willy sees them and runs down. Shortly, the gates open with Violet, Louis, and AJ coming out. AJ immediately throws himself into Clem's arms.

"Clem! You're back! I- I thought you were gone!"

"I'd never leave you, goofball." AJ never really like that nickname, but he let it slide. Clementine stood up. 

"And this is Sophie and Minnie." Violet immediately threw her arms around Minnie, sobbing her eyes out. Louis was about to hug Clementine when...

"Louis! I've missed you so much!" Sophie hugs Louis tightly and then kisses him. For some weird reason, he kisses back. He quickly realizes who he was kissing when he pulled away to see Clementine with her eyes widened, and tears starting to form. Her hands were clenched and her eyebrows were furrowed. Before she could do anything that she regretted, she just walked back to the dorms silently.


Clementine stayed in her dorm while everyone was socializing outside. She had finally decided to go outside when she saw Louis and Sophie sitting together. She gritted her teeth and was going to walk back to the dorms when she felt a grip on her wrist. She turned around swiftly to see a worried Louis.

"What the hell do you want?" She snapped, narrowing her eyes.

"I wanted to say sorry. For when I kissed Sophie. I don't know what came over me I just-"

"Save it. I knew you didn't actually like me."

"Clem, please! I'm actually sorry. I promise I won't do it again." Clementine sighs.

"Okay, fine. I forgive you. I just was... upset, that you would even think about kissing her."

"And you had every right to be upset. What I did was wrong. And I promise I'll make it up to you." Clementine giggles.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do?" Louis smirks. 


Louis cups her face, and kisses Clementine passionately, sliding his tongue in. He finally pulls away. He tilts her head up for her to look at him. 

"How was that?" He said in a deep, raspy voice that sent chills down Clementine's spine, and kind of turned her on. Her face flushes in a deep red crimson.

"Hey lovebirds! When you're done making out, you can come and join us!" Violet yelled from the campfire, earning some laughs from the others.

"We should probably get over there." laughed Clementine.

"Yeah." Louis agreed.

The couple walks over to the sofa and sits down next to each other. 

"How about a game of truth or drink?" Minnie suggested, pulling out a bottle of rum out of her backpack.

"Where the hell did you find time to get that?" Clementine asked. Minnie just laughed.

"While you were packing, I saw a liquor cabinet in the kitchen. I managed to sneak some alcohol." 

The game started. It was just like truth or dare but with a drink. Everyone flips their cards. Minnie wins and Clementine loses.

"If you could kill someone in this circle, who would it be?"

"Sophie." Clementine answered. Sophie just rolled her eyes. Everyone flips their cards again. This time, Louis wins and Minnie loses. He smirks.

"Do you love Violet enough to bang her?" Everyone cringes from the disturbing comment while both Violet and Minnie blush deeply. Minnie looks at the bottle of rum. She sighs. "Fuck."

She takes a quick swig of the rum and coughs right after. She clears her throat. Everybody flips their cards again. Sophie wins and Clementine loses. Sophie just gives an evil smirk.

"Was Lee really a fuck-up?" Clementine's eyes widen.

"W-What?" She stutters.

"Lilly told me how much of a fuck-up Lee was. She told me that he never knew what he was doing. Before the apocalypse, he was on his way to prison for murder."

"Shut. Up." Clementine muttered. Her hands started to shake. Her stomach was feeling queasy. All she felt was anger now.

"Tell me. Otherwise-"

"I don't have to tell you shit!" Clementine rises from her seat and yells at Sophie, causing her and everyone to jump. "What happened in my life is my own fucking business so keep your fucking nose out of my life!" Clementine storms off to the dorms, closing her door behind her.


Everyone disbanded except Louis and Sophie, leaving them both alone. Sophie touches his hand with her's but Louis quickly pulls away while giving her a dirty look.

"I..." Louis starts to speak but is interrupted with a pair of lips touching his. He shortly pushes her away. "Sophie, can you stop?!" Louis storms off, obviously pissed. Little did he know, somebody was watching them.


Clementine sits in her room in silence. She hated the constant reminder that the person she loved was dead. She wanted Louis to come. She wanted him to hug her, to kiss her, to tell her that it was okay. But for some reason, a part of her felt guilty. Guilty for feeling love for the first time. 

Suddenly, the door opens. 

"Louis, please leave me alone."

"Too bad I'm not Louis." Clementine turns around and sees Mitch. She rolls her eyes.

"What are you gonna do now? Critizice me for being alive?"

Mitch frowns. He had always secretly liked Clementine. I mean- what was there not to like about her? Her curly hair, her honey eyes, the scar on her right eyebrow, her attitude, how she was so badass. "No, I just wanted to check on you- Sophie was being really harsh and I'm sorry she invaded your privacy like that."

Clementine smiled. "Thanks for being nice. For once." She joked. Mitch laughed. "I should go and talk to Louis now." Clementine starts to get up but gets pushed back down on the bed by Mitch. She looks at him cluelessly.

"I need to tell you something." Clementine raises an eyebrow. "Louis kissed Sophie."

"What?!" Mitch is taken aback by her sudden outburst. "Why would he do that?! He doesn't even like Sophie! He wouldn't do that! He- he promised he wouldn't do that again." 

"Seems like he broke his promise." Clementine's sadness had all washed away. All she felt now, was anger. She stormed outside to see Louis sitting on one of the couches. Clementine stomped over to him with fury in her eyes. When he saw her, his eyes lit up.

"Hey, ba-" Before he could finish his sentence, Clementine interrupts him.

"Shut up." His eyes widen. "Did you kiss Sophie again?" Louis stays silent. He looks down as Clementine scoffed. 

"I can't believe you, Louis. You said it yourself- you liked me. What- was that just a lie?" She crosses her arms. "If you liked Sophie that much, why did you kiss me?" Tears start brimming around her eyes.

"I swear, Clementine. I don't like her- she kissed me-"

"Bullshit!" She shakes her head.

"I can't trust you anymore."

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