Chapter 1

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Second Person POV

After the meeting, you and your friends walked to your class and began your routine. But something just has to go wrong with life, doesn't it?

"(Y/N)-san!" Someone called, running from the building’s main door.

"Wendy? Are you alright? Something's wrong?" You ask her.

"It's bad, you should hurry!" After Wendy's words, the five girls quickly ran to their class and witnessed something terrible.

"This again huh? I thought something horrible happened," you sigh.

"Huh?! What do you mean by that?! This is a very horrible thing!" Erza says to you, with a furious and worried face.

"It's alright. Even if this hasn't happened in a while, that doesn't mean it won't happen again, right?" You say with no emotion. You sigh again and pull out cleaning spray and an unused cloth from your bag to clean the words written on your desk; 'whore', 'bitch', 'go die', 'ugly duck', and such things. You're already used to this kind of treatment. You aren’t the kind of person that could have done something to lead to this. But one event, one stupid action caused it. Something that occured about 4 months ago.


One day, you were suddenly called by someone. That someone was Ren, one of the most famous people in this school. He was always swarmed by an army of his fangirls, every one of them as addicted as the next. Even though he is handsome, cool, flirty and gives you his sassy cold attitude, that doesn't mean you have to fall right away for him right? That's what you always thought to yourself.

You were summoned to the rooftop by him. You wondered why he would like to meet you there of all places.

"Ah. You're finally here." He said, once you walked up.

"Yes, is there something you wanted to say to me?"

"Be my girlfriend, you girl." Ren said with his usual sassy, cold tone and a rose in his hand. You looked surprised and, for a moment, you saw him smirk. You look him in the eyes, still surprised, then bow to him.

"I appreciate it, but I'm sorry. I don't have the same feelings as you Ren-san. So, if you'll excuse me," with an apologetic smile, you left him there with a very shocked expression. After a moment, his face became very pissed. The truth is, he was dared by his friends to be someone’s boyfriend for a week. The person was chosen randomly by his friends, and it happened to be you. A nerdy, silent girl that exists unnoticed. At first, Ren thought that you might be easy prey for him. Oh how wrong he was to think so low of you. But the problem was, he didn't expect to lose the bet. Heck he didn't even think that you would reject him, which damaged his pride. He held a grudge against you and decided to give you a taste of hell. His fangirls were told by him the situation, which he "made up" a little so it turned out in his favor. Knowing his fangirls, they became furious and started bullying you. You didn't have any chance to fight back, since you were outnumbered, and had no evidence on who it was. From then on, everyone started bullying you. Not only his fangirls, but also those who were humored by it. It happened not long before vacation. About a week before vacation started, the bullying stopped. You just wished that it would be over from then on, but well... it's not that simple, seeing as it just started up again.

Flashback end

"(Y/N)-san, this has to be reported to the teacher." Juvia said gently.

"No. That won't solve this problem. The bullies will continue, even if we report them. And there isn’t any evidence who did this, anyway. We can't be reckless. One wrong step, and the next thing we know is that you guys will get bullied, too," you answer casually while cleaning your table. That answer was somewhat right, but the others don't want their friend to be treated like this; just because some overconfident playboy. For now, however, your suggestion might be the best.

"Yosh. It's already finished," You smile at them.

"(Y/N).. if you're really getting tired of this, please just let us know." Erza, as the good friend she is, tried to help you understand you’re not alone.

You nod. "I'm actually already tired of this. But nothing physical has happened, so I can still manage."

Then, the others went to their seats. Erza sat in front of you, Lucy on your right, Juvia behind you and Levy behind Lucy. The seats weren't random, so you and your friends could sit near each other. Not long after you all sat down, someone rushed into the class and called your name.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? Is someone bullying you again!?" The boy ran to you and panted with his hands on his knees, a  worried expression all over his face.

 The person standing in front of you was Gray Fullbuster, one of your and lucy's childhood friends. He acts like a brother to you and Lucy. Even though he seems like a good person, he is actually a trouble maker. But still, you love him as a brother. Not to mention, he’s the person that Juvia clings to.

"I'm okay, Gray, calm down."

"It’s good to hear that." He sighed, reassured.

"Why are you here Gray? Class is about to start," scolded the queen of discipline, Erza Scarlet. This is what she always does, every morning.

"Sorry, I just wanted to check in on her." Gray says and pointed his finger at you. Erza sighed knowing that he just worried for you like the others.

"Well, you're finished, right? Now go back to your class," Erza glared sternly at the boy.

"Yes ma'am!" With that, Gray ran away as fast as he could back to his class. And then, the bell rang.

"Hello class. For this homeroom session, I want to introduce you to our new student. Come in!" 

A tall boy with salmon hair and a white scarf around his neck walked in.

I wonder why he is wearing a scarf even though it’s summer? You think to yourself. Then, he wrote his name on the chalkboard.

"Natsu Dragneel, that's my name!" The boy says, with a somehow sexy voice that makes the girls in class melt. Well, except for you and your friends. Then, he looks at a certain person; Lucy. He gave her a smirk that made her quickly turn her head to the ground. There is only one thing that crossed your mind.

This is not gonna be good.

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