Chapter 13

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Back to Erza and Jellal who discover something surprising on the incident place. Erza is very determined to find the culprit.

"Erza. Wait. I know you're angry but you can't just assume that someone try to hurt (Y/N)-san."

"Then what? Many coincidence happen in the same time?"

"It's definitely not a coincidence. I know that. But we can't just assume that the culprit wanted to hurt (Y/N)-san. It can be anybody that want to use the ladder. You can't just assume things." Erza left silent by Jellal's statement, but she knows that this thing must be a set up. Why would someone randomly cut the ladder just for a random person fall when they step on it? Suddenly, the librarian come back to the library and spot Erza and Jellal from the end of the isle.

"I told you guys to left this place aren't I?" The librarian looks very stressed by the incident. Then Erza and Jellal approach the librarian to talk properly to her.

"I'm sorry, we're looking for something here." Jellal explain.

"Can you please just... Leave this place be. I'm very stressed right now."

"Um can i know why is that?" Erza ask the librarian.

"How should i explain this accident to the superiors? A student fall because of a broken ladder? Gosh." This peak Erza's intrest. There is something weird about this.

"Ms. Librarian, can i ask about something?"

"What is it?"

"Since when does the ladder broken?"

"2 days ago. It's been letting out a strange sound. But, i didn't give much attention to it so it turns out this way."

"Ah. So that's why."

"You already know that, so can you leave now?"

"Can you just give us 5 minutes? Then we will go."

"Fine. But don't make anything messier."

"Yes." Erza then say and the librarian walk away.

"Jellal, can you take a picture of the place and the evidence. We might need it."

"Still eager to find the culprit aren't you?" Erza didn't answer, she just hang her head low. Jellal then take photo of the place then he and Erza get out of the library. When they're already outside, they're stopped by someone.

"Sting? What are you doing?" Jellal ask him.

"Where is (Y/N)-chan? Is she alright?"

"She's in the infirmary now, we don't know how is she right now. We're about to go there." Jellal answer him.

"Ah. Is that so?" Sting says more to himself.

"Wait. How do you know something happened to (Y/N)?" Erza ask with suspicion present in her eyes.

"I was about to come to the library to finish my work with her, when i'm on my way, one of my friends were talking about someone falling in the library, he said she has a black braided hair and glasses and I quickly assume it's (Y/N)." Sting explain and Erza just look at him. Her suspicion decrease because of his logic reason. She then sigh.

"Then, just come along. We're about to go there." Erza says and walks away with Jellal. Sting starting to walk behind them, following them.

Why did it turn out like this?  Sting asks to himself.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now