Chapter 19

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After three days of recovering, you're ready to go back to school. You're really tired with all the boredom when you were sick. Thank goodness the girls are with you. You and Lucy as usual, go to school early. The same things that happened a lot are replaying again, Natsu come to the class, Lucy asked to wake him up, the class pack with people, the lesson start and it goes until the end of the day. But there are actually two different things. First, Sting is nowhere to be seen (not that you care anyway). And second, Natsu and Lucy seem to look even closer. Natsu continuously bother Lucy by poking her face and patting her head. Natsu even oftenly give an amazingly cute grin to her while Lucy try to smack his hand away and told him to stop while having a very red face.

Seems like my ship about to sail. Tuu... Tuu...

On the end of the day, you quickly run away from class to hide somewhere that Lucy can't find so you can pretend that you have something to do and just ask Natsu to walk her home.

What a perfect scene. Good job me.

After about 30 minutes hiding from them, you decided to go out of the school and just take some walk around so that you wont be home early. Because who knows what they probably want to do right? Then, you just go to a short cliff-like place near a very soothing river where you and your friends usually hang out. When you arrive there, you can see a particular blonde sitting on the edge.

"Sting?" The person look startled that he even jump back and let go of the thing he has been holding.

"You're smoking?" You ask with a disagree tone. Then Sting make the fallen cigarette off and take another one from the box in his pocket.

"Yes. What's wrong with that?" He put the tip of the cigarette in his hand and about to light it when you pull his hand with the cigarette away. Your face and his are actually close, but the fact that he was about to smoke makes you care less at this awkward situation. The boy doesn't seem care about it either.

"Let go of my hand." He says to you menacingly that makes you shiver.

"N-No." You stutter a bit but still look convincing.

"Whatever your reason is, smoking are bad, and you aren't even legal." You say confidently.

"What are you talking about? You don't know about me." He says to you with even more confidence. This is not the Sting you know.

"Then tell me. Tell me everything so i can know." He gives you a bitter laugh.

"Just shut it. I just need some... escape."

"By smoking?"

"It's so ordinary just so you know. My friends even drink and sex to run away from their problems."

"Well, like you're the one who have never done it. You have, right?" He looks a bit taken aback but then just move his head to the side.

"I've never done it anymore. It's already been a year."

"What is it with you?"

"Just a little bit family problem."

"What is it with smoking? Your family problem and smoking? That doesn't even related to one another."

"This mouth, the mouth that i use to talk to him. I don't want it. If i just wash it, it won't really go away. I need something stronger to make it disappear, like smoking."

"I don't get it."

"My dad. I didn't even want to see his face, not to mention talk. So everytime i talked to him i'll 'wash' my mouth." You look at him confused and startled.


"Now, release my hand." He say to you with murderous aura.

"No." You still give him some confidence in your voice that draining little by little.

"(Y/N), release it or I'll just-" He then was cut by you. But he didn't expect you to do what you're doing right now. You kiss him, on the lips. This thing makes him so flustered and stop moving. It was brief, but what you did really surprised him. Right now, he's a blushing mess. You're actually flustered a lot but try to regain your composure.

"If i do this, have your lips being cleaned?" You say with a flustered but a very innocent face and voice. This makes him even more flustered. He use his other hand that is not grabbed by you to cover half of his face with the back of his hand.


Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now