Chapter 2

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The bell rang, indicating that the lessons for the day were already finished. You and your friends left school, and decided to hangout at the newly opened cafe near your house.

"Wait, I forgot my book!" Levy suddenly stated, loudly.

"Really, Levy-chan?" Lucy replied.

"I think it's still in class. I'll go get it, you guys just wait by the gate," Levy smiled, and quickly ran inside.

"I'll go with her," You say and run after her. 

When you arrived on the second floor, Levy suddenly crashed into someone, and fell on her butt. You stopped and peeked around the corner when you heard someone speaking.

"Hey, watch where you’re going, asshole!" A guy with green hair and a very big body grumbled.

Ah... This is the worst thing that could’ve happened..! You thought. In front of Levy stood the most notorious gang in school. The Sabers. The person who pushed Levy over was Orga. The boy with black hair, which hid half of his face, and red eyes was Rogue. The person with blonde hair and blue eyes was Sting; and lastly- The Queen Bee. The only woman in this group, the person who wore a very tight uniform that showed her curves perfectly, has long black hair and smug face; Minerva. The girl that most people in this school yearned for.

Gosh...Things just couldn't get worse.

Right now, Levy is too afraid to stand.

"What happened? Gone limp or something?" The blonde freak talk to Levy mockingly, a smirk gracing his face. You can't just stand behind the wall during this, right? So, you quickly made a turn and bowed.

"I'm sorry for what my friend did to you. Sorry for crashing into you, but my friend here was in a hurry, and didn't really look where she was going," You said, then helped Levy stand up.

"Well, if your friend has eyes, she should use them," Orga stated, which made the others snicker.

"Well, if you have a brain, you should use it before making idiotic statements," You retort and quickly lead Levy to class. You find her book, and use the exit on the opposite side of the school to go back.

"What took you so long?" Lucy asked. Levy wanted to answer, but you interrupt.

"I may have just increased the rate of me being bullied..." You laughed awkwardly while the others were ultimately shocked.

"What happened?!" Juvia exclaimed.

"I'll tell you guys at the cafe. Let's just head there first," You say, and the five of you go to the cafe.

On The Other Hand

"Who the fuck does she think she is?!" Orga yelled angrily.

"Interesting.." Minerva mumbled with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Who is she, really?" Rogue asked, emotionlessly.

"I don't know, but she can be great prey," Orga responds.

"I know her," Sting said.

"It's very rare for you to remember people. Who is she?" Rogue asked, repeating his question.

"She's in my class, the person that rejected Ren and is being bullied by his fangirls. The class can get pretty loud because of it. Not to mention that she used to sit next to me. How do you expect me not to notice her?" Sting answers.

"So, she really is a fucking bitch?" Orga said.

"You want revenge, don't you Orga?" Rogue said.

"That useless, good-for-nothing, ugly lowlife needs to be crushed," Orga growled.

"Should we just beat her to death? That sounds fun, right?" Sting suggested with a smirk.

"That won't do. She won't last long. She is a girl, remember?" Rogue said.

"Ah, pathetic human being. Then, what should we do?" Sting asked.

"I have something in mind...she will be perfect for my experiment," Minerva said with a wicked smile, looking at the boys.

"I’ve got a bad feeling.." Sting murmured.

"What will you do?" Rogue asked.

"We're gonna set her in a play of sorts. In this play, we will make her think that she is the main character, when, in fact, she is just an extra. Then, we'll make her feel like trash." Minerva says.

"Isn't that too ordinary? Where is the fun in that?" Orga asked.

"Well, the fun is for the one who will join her on the stage." Minerva smiled slyly.

"Huh?" The other three questioned together.

"What I mean is: we will make a bet. One of you will have to make her your girlfriend in one month. If you manage it, you’ll be rewarded with a one week meal treat from me and the other two. If you lose, you have to stand on the rooftop, nude, and shout the name of the person you like." Minerva explained.

".... HUUUHHH?!" Orga and Sting shouted in unison while Rogue looked at them with a disgusted face.

"I really don't want to join,” he says.

"Well then, I will make it better. If the person who accepted the bet succeeds, he will become my boyfriend." And with that, the boys agreed very fast.

"But what about that bitch? How is that gonna get us revenge on her?!" Orga whined, annoyed.

"For your guys’ information, playing with a girl’s heart is the worst thing for them. Just wait and see, everything will end in our favor. Whether or not the person who got the bet succeeds, I still have many plans to come for her suffering," Minerva said, chuckling darkly.

"Then, we decide it with rock, paper, scissors," Sting suggests. The three boys prepare their hands.

"One... Two... Three…!!" The game resulted with; Rogue- rock, Orga- rock and Sting- scissors.

"GAH! You've got to be kidding me!" Sting growls, while the others laugh hysterically.

"It's a bet then." Little did they know, Minerva is scheming her own plan.


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