Chapter 3

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"You what?!" The others, except Levy, ask. Well, more like shouted at you loudly, after you finished your story. The other customers looked at you with strange looks.

"I'm sorry! Please get back to what you were doing. Thank you." You quickly stand and apologize to the other customers then sit again while giving a death glare to your friends.

"Why are you so stupid (Y/N)-chan?!" Lucy looked at you, frustrated.

"Well, I just can't stand them looking down on Levy like that, not while she isn’t fully at fault," you answer, stubbornly.

"But you could have just apologized to them, right?" Juvia asked.

"Well, I did, but they continued to look down on her," You retorted. The bickering continued until you guys heard a sob coming from Levy.

"I-I'm... so sorry (N/n)-chan. I never meant to get.. y-you into trouble.. If.. if I was more careful..this wouldn't have happened." Levy tried to talk between her sobs. You quickly hugged her and spoke soothingly.

"It's okay Levy, it's not your fault. They're just too annoying. Good thing I can say that to them, even if it isn’t going to be at this moment. I’ll say it to them later on," You told Levy.

"Just...please be more careful, (Y/N)." Erza spoke to you softly. You noticed your glasses getting a bit foggy, and took them off to clean them; but then someone ran into you. Arms wrapped around you in a hug.

"(Y/N)-chan!~" The orange-haired male shouted cutely and hugged you, which made a tick mark appear on your forehead.

"Release me, Loke," You said with an annoyed expression.

"Mou, you're so mean (Y/N)-chan!" Loke pouted childishly.

"I don't care." You retorted, but he just ignored it and took your glasses from your hand.

"Hey! I can’t see anything without those, give them back!" You said to, more like scolded, the boy with an angry face.

"Nope. You look cute without your glasses on you know. You look like an anime girl who becomes more beautiful without these things." Loke smiled, waving your glasses around.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell that to my grandma," You snatched the glasses back and cleaned them, placing them back on your face.

"Ne, why don't you use contacts rather than glasses?" Loke asked.


"Hmmm... It's kind of true (Y/N)-chan. Why don't you use contact lenses?" Erza asked.

"Well... the same could be asked to you guys." 

"I don't really have the confidence for them. Besides, I feel safer behind my glasses." Lucy answered unexpectedly. You gave her a disbelieving expression.

"For me, using glasses just fits me well. I like using them because they give me a nerdy and smart aura." Erza answered with an obviously strange answer.

"Ah. My eyes are not very bad so I just use glasses when I need them." Levy gave you her simple answer. You sigh.

"Okay, okay. You have your own reasons, but I do, too, you know. I tried contacts once, but they’re very uncomfortable for me. It feels like something bothering my eyes and I don't like it." You say to them.

"Eh?? Really? I don't really feel bothered using contacts..." Juvia said while the others looked at her questioningly.

"See... I wear them all the time. I only use glasses at home," Juvia explained while pointing at her eyes.

"For real? Since when? I never noticed!" You inquired.

Juvia laughs. "Since third year of junior high. I always used the clear ones, and I think  I always wore them in front of you guys. No wonder no one notice it." Juvia answered while the others gaped at her.

"Hello, I'm still here," Loke whined, feeling invisible to the girls.

"Then go back to your work," You answer.

"So mean (Y/N)-chan~ Well then, Lucy, how about you go on a date with me?" Loke said slyly to Lucy, his hand resting on her shoulder.

"Get lost Loke," Lucy grumbled. After a long session of Loke being a bothersome, desperate playboy, he finally got dragged away by one of his seniors.

Thank you very much Senpai.

We finished our food and went home. It's just the first day after a long holiday, but it felt like you were already halfway through the semester. Little did you know, this was just the start of your miserable, yet beautiful, school life.

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