Chapter 44

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The next day has come. You tell your bestfriends about your moving plan and bid your goodbyes to them. You even plan to have a small farewell party with them. You want to make a proper goodbye before leaving fire for who knows how long.

On the other side, someone, or to be precise, Sting, is having a hard time with his life. He wants to stop his act but don't know how. Good thing is, his black haired bestfriend know him so well.

"Just stop it Sting." Rogue says with flat expression. The blonde then groan at him.

"Stop what?"

"I know you really like (Y/N)-san and tired with this Minerva lovey-dovey act." Sting is utterly surprised but when he's about to retort, Rogue beat him to it.

"And don't think about making excuses. I know you too well." Sting then give up and tell Rogue all of it.

"Is that so? Then, just end this."


"Speak your mind."

"I can't do that!"

"You can. You just don't want to ruin your reputation." His answer slap Sting hard.

"Do it before it's too late." Rogue then leave him in their hangout place alone. Not long after that, Minerva and Orga came.

"Hey babe." Minerva come then quickly sit on Sting's thigh and wrap her hands around Sting's neck.

"Ne, Minerva." She answer with a hum.

"It's about (Y/N). Did you know that she will break this hard and the bully will go even worse when the plan work?"

"Of course i do darling. I'm so smart aren't i?" Minerva smile devilishly.

Not to mention that i can get you without asking you directly. Minerva speaks in her mind. Sting looks down.

"Don't worry about her babe. The important thing now is that we're together." Minerva says and about to kiss the boy for the hundredth time. But before their lips meet, Sting put his hand between their lips.

"What's wrong?" Minerva tilt her head pretend to be cute.

"I want to stop this."


"I'm tired pretending that i want this. Minerva. Let's break up." Minerva looks shocked and furious. Sting then stand up with Minerva.

"It's over." The boy is about to go when Minerva hold his hand with anger.

"What do you mean it's over?! It's over when i say it's over! And i'm not letting it over right now!" Minerva looks like a very possessive girlfriend which shocked Sting and Orga.

"Minerva, I think you should-"

"Shut The Fuck Up!" Minerva shout stopping Orga's word.

"It's enough Minerva. I've never loved you and never will." The blonde say emotionlessly.

"Then who do you love?! That freak? Just admit it Sting, you like her because of her improvement. If she never become the she is now, you won't be able to fall in love with her." Minerva expect Sting to realize his mistake by her word but she was wrong.

"Maybe yes. But it may also be wrong. How do you think i fell in love with her in like a month? Just because i was always with her? Think about it again Minerva. People choose you over her, so if i want someone beautiful, I'll just choose you."

"What do you mean Sting?" Orga ask the blonde.

"I think that i might have fell for her long before the bet. But just as Rogue said, i'm too afraid to break my reputation."

"That can't be! Who would like a ugly bullied freak?!"

"That would be me." Sting says confidently. Minerva and Orga were shocked with Sting's statement.

"Y-You can't break up with me like this! I planned a whole scheme to make you mine by the bet and now you're leaving me?! Don't be joking!" Minerva shout.

Orga and Sting look at the black haired girl with wide eyes, surprised by the fact that Minerva just stated.

"Y-you what?" Orga ask. But Minerva still try to catch her breath after shouting. When Sting regain his composure, he answers Minerva.

"It's none of my business. By the way Minerva, congrats, your plan suck." The blonde's friends look him with wide eyes. When the two are in their shock state, Sting go away from them.

Tomorrow I'll tell (Y/N)-chan about how i feel. Hope it wont be too late.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now