Chapter 35

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In the end of the day, Natsu accompany you and Lucy back home. Aside from Lucy's problem, you have another thought swirling in your mind. Today, you didn't see Sting a lot. You just saw him in the morning but after the first break, he was nowhere to be seen. This thing makes you a little worry. Scratch that, you worry a lot. There are lots of what ifs that goes through your mind. When you're out of your imagination world, you already arrive at your house. Natsu give Lucy a small kiss on the head and both of you come into the house.

"Ne. (Y/N)-chan, what's been bothering you?" The blonde girl ask you.

"Eh? N-nothing. Why did you ask?"

"You know you can't lie to me (Y/N)-chan." Lucy fold her hand in front of her chest with demanding face.

"Urgh. I just... don't know what to do with Sting. Especially after today's event. You, who had never been bullied before, are now bullied because of your relationship. Then what about me?" You ask with puppy eyes.

"Ne. (Y/N)-chan, i think you should know my conversation with Natsu in the infirmary."


Lucy and Natsu both sitting in silence in the infirmary. No one try to make any talk. Lucy who felt somehow uncomfortable with the silence is about to break it, but before she can even say a word, Natsu cut her off.

"I'm sorry."

"Huh? Why?"

"For making your life suffer like this." Lucy look at the boy sadly.

"Lucy, tell me. Do you... Have the slightest regret having this relationship?" The boy asks looking down but the girl smile angelic-ly to the boy. Then she did the unexpected. The Innocent Lucy give the boy a kiss. This makes the boy's face color with red.

"Do i look like i regret it?" The boy look at the girl straight in the eye. He see no regret. Just happiness. Then the boy mumble something like 'why' to her.

"Because you're the one i choose. Not to mention that seeing you looking for me so badly and get angry because of my state is very amusing. It's great to know someone care a lot for me."

"Ne Lucy." The girl look him in the eyes.

"I'll never let you go. Heck, I'll never let anyone hurt you even the slightest bit. You won't be the one who is fighting for us. I'll fight for you." Lucy then laugh.

"That's so cringe you know that?" She continue to laugh.

"S-Stop laughing Lucy..."

End of flashback

"So why are you telling me this? To brag that you have an amazing boyfriend while i'm single huh?" Lucy then laugh.

"Well that might be one of my intentions, but no. That's not what my main reason. What I'm saying is, as long as you love him and he loves you, then nothing can ruin that. Also, if he really loves you, he will protect you. Always. Don't worry (Y/N)-chan. It might be hard, but it's worth fighting for isn't it?" Lucy says smiling. Your face now look somehow shocked and it clicked on you.

"So... What do you say (Y/N)-chan?" You then smile.

"Uhm! I already know... Know that sometimes Lucy can be smart too."

"MOU... Haru-chan!" You laugh at her.

Thank you Lucy. I Love You.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now