Chapter 22

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Lucy looks at you confused by your statement. Then you explain your situation, what happened between you and Sting, about the kiss, the walk, the hug, every single detail. After telling her the story, Lucy looks like her face about to explode, but you are no different from her.

Then, the next day has come. You and Lucy almost can't sleep the whole night because of the event you two had experienced. You and Lucy almost late to school. Both of you didn't even bother to think about your table anymore. The moment both of you arrive in class, the class already full of people because it's almost the morning class.

"You're late. That's unusual." The blonde beside you speak to you which you just answer a little.

"Lot of things happened." This makes Sting has an idea to bother you. He then whisper something to your ear.

"Hee~ is it because of yesterday's kiss and hug huh?" He talk to you with a very obvious smirk. You then explode with redness while he pull his head back and smile 'innocently' to you.

If i knew that he will be back this easy, i shouldn't have bothered to help him yesterday.

"Sh-shut up." Then the first lesson start. 

In the third lesson, your class are having a PE class. You as the unathletic self just follow the orders with everything you've got. Today's lesson are not hard, you even barely sweating. Then, the lesson end before you know it. You and your friends usually change when the other have already finished so that you won't be packed in the changing room. When you're opening your locker to change, something makes you shocked. Levy notice it and ask you.

"What is it (N/N)-chan?" She then look at your clothes and can see that it's already being torn. There are several holes on the clothes. This makes the small girl shock. The other four (This time Wendy is with you guys) also come to your side and see that the clothes are in a very bad state.

"What should we do?" Juvia ask.

"I'll look for someone who have spare clothes." Wendy say about to get out of the room when you stop her.

"No. The next lesson is about to start. Let's just go back to class. I'll just wear the PE uniform." You say and the other about to retort but Erza say something that makes the other just agree with your decision. When you're back to class, the next lesson's bell is already ringing. Good thing you are not late.

"Why are you still using PE Uniform?" Sting ask you strangely.

"Something happened." Then the teacher come in and ask you.

"(L/N)-san. Why are you still wearing PE uniform?" She asks with dislike tone.

"I accidentally drop my uniform to water. I'm sorry miss." You stand and bow at her. The teacher just sigh and sign you to sit down again. You can hear some giggle from behind you.

So the culprit is in this class huh? You just sigh to yourself knowing that shouting at them won't do any good. But a particular blonde feel irritated at this and thinking about something.

Hee~ Why don't i just play with these bitches.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now