Chapter 21

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You walk to the house seeing that the house is so empty. You try to look at the kitchen, living room and even bathroom, but Lucy is nowhere to be seen. The only place that you haven't check is the bedroom. And there, you can see Lucy lay on her stomach look so lifeless.

"You didn't even wait for me to come home. Mean~." You say to the blonde and she quickly cover her face. Curiosity takes over you and you come closer to her and sit beside her laying body.

"What is it with you?" You ask with one eyebrow raising. The girl then sit on her spot and hold her cheeks with her hands. You look at her questioningly.

"AH! I CAN'T GET THAT OUT OF MY MIND!" Lucy shout so loudly that you even jump back that cause you to fall.

"What the heck Lucy! Can't you speak normally?" You get back on the bed and ask her to tell you what she meant by the words she just say.


Lucy and Natsu now walk back home in silence. They have walk home together like about 4 times but Lucy still can't feel right about this situation. Luckily, the boy always know how to deal with situation.

"Ne. Lucy."


"What do you think about me?" This question make the girl jump a little.

"Wh-what do you mean by that?"

"How do you see me?"

"Well, a boy with ordinary style, popular, good with sport, stupid-" Natsu can feel a tick mark appear on him listening to Lucy's statement that make him cut her midsentence.

"I'm not stupid! And, that's not what i meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"The more specific things, like how handsome i am, how cool i am, how amazing am i to you..." He keep blabering that makes the blonde girl irritated.

"You're not cool one bit for me." This statement make the pink-haired boy laugh.

"You really are something you know that?" Lucy just hmph. Before they realize it, they've arrived. Lucy is about to get in when a muscular arm pull her back and pull her into a deep long kiss. Lucy who didn't know what to do just stand there with wide eyes, unintentionally giving Natsu time to finish the kiss. After a quite long kiss, Natsu release her and look at her crimson red face. He really seems to enjoy Lucy's red face which he think adorable. He then pat her head and go home.

Lucy still standing still at he place and hold one or her hands on her lips. She still feel very hot because of the kiss.

"M-my f-first..."


End of flashback

Lucy expect a squeal and interogation from you but it never came. She then looks at you and look a little bit shock when you're looking at her with red face and unexplained facial expression.

"(Y-Y/N)-chan? Are you alright?" She looks at you confused. You then look down to your lap and say something.

"I think we really are connected to each other huh?"

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now