Chapter 4

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The next day arrived. You and Lucy made your way to school, arriving earlier than usual to prevent more degrading graffiti which, thankfully, wasn't there. There were only a few students roaming the school; most of which were members of sports teams, who were there for practice.

"Thank God your table is as good as ever, (Y/N)-Chan," Lucy sighed, relieved, as she sat at her desk.

"Yeah. It will become bothersome if I have to clean it every morning," You answered. There was an abrupt crash, and the two of you whipped your heads toward the door. The salmon haired new kid stood as the culprit, seeming as if he just arrived from practice. He looked at both of you, the only other people in the class, then walked to his seat beside Lucy.

"Hey," He spoke seriously to the both of you. Well, more directed towards Lucy.


Why are you stuttering Lucy?

"Wake me up when the bell already rings? I'm exhausted," He smiled sheepishly at Lucy, who nodded bashfully in response.He took that as his answer, and put his head on his desk.Lucy watched him with slightly unsettled ease.

"Are you scared of him?" You asked quietly.

"Kind of."


"Well, he looks like one hell of a delinquent! What do you expect?" She whisper-yelled.

"That's just... exaggerating."

"That reminds me of my father's old self you know? Thugs, delinquents; they just aren't the best people to hang around."

"Well... I can't argue with that. But, trying to get to know them first won't be a pain, right?"

"They're also the people who bully you for fun." Her statement made you laugh.

"Aw... Lucy-chan cares about me.~"

"Of course I do, you hell of a careless girl." You gave her a smile.

"Don't worry. Their antics aren't enough to make me break, trust me," You gave her a reassuring smile. You didn't know that someone was listening outside the classroom. Even with your dialogue being faint, he heard every word.

"Hee~... Not enough, huh? Then, I will be the one that makes you suffer the most right? (L/N)-chan~?" Sting, outside the classroom, spoke and smiled to himself, knowing that an amusing game awaits him.

Bet (STING X READER) [under editing] Where stories live. Discover now