Chapter 3

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12:00 PM
December 4
At the Mall

Iman Martial POV

After the long ride, we stopped talking about Mrs. Campbell. There is a rule set by the sellers that I can't speak the names of my pervious owners to my current. I don't know Ms. Rivers all that well to see how she would treat me. While walking in the mall I kept a good distance from Ms. Rivers and stayed behind her.

"Iman, you know you don't have to do that." She stopped at looked at me.

"Sorry." I said putting my head down. I try not to make eye contact to her because some saw that as a challenge to their authority.

I saw her hand reach up to my face and I closed my eyes. Instead of feeling a stinging contact to my cheek, she cupped my chin and made me look at her.

"I'm not them. I don't have any intentions on hurting you." Alina looked me in my eyes and told me that.

Do I believe her? No. I've been told that, and been looked right in the eyes. I've been lied to so much. One minute they say that, then later I'm being punished for nothing. I want to believe her, but its too early to judge her actual intentions.

She grabbed my hand and made me walk side by side with her. We walked into a Levi's store and she just started grabbing some jeans for me.

"What colors would you go with?" She asked me. I look up and she have a few pairs in her hands.

"Uhh probably some light washed and medium. Maybe a little bit of black too." I said.

Alina just smiled and started picking some out. I didn't mind her doing it at all. She showed me a few that I thought looked good. Some distressed too. After ten minutes, I have 20 pairs of jeans in my arms. She paid for them and now I'm holding three bags of jeans.

"Would you like me to put these in the car?" I asked her.

"Yeah come on. We have a lot more to do."

2:00 PM

After shopping for two hours, going to different stores, she has now got everything for me. I did enjoy it because she was excited about it. We manage to fill the truck and possibly the backseat up with bags of clothes and some shoes.

"That was fun." She smiled. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, it is a lot, but honestly the most enjoyable thing in a while." I took my beanie off and popped my neck.

I felt her fingers go through my hair, "You have hat hair." I felt her fingers massage my scalp. "Have you ever grew your hair out?"

"Yes. It was pretty long. Until you know this all happened it got cut. It can get back to the length I've had it so long ago, but I like the shortness of it. It was reason why I kept it short, this is actually the longest I've had it in some time." My hair is really curly. I have a part of back cut off and some of the sides too.

"Would you consider to growing it. I really want to see how long it can be."

" For you, yes." At that moment both our stomach growled.

"Well that's a sign for food." She started the car, and I guess we are going out to eat.

Alina drove to I believe to an Italian restaurant. We got a private booth in the back.  I looked at the menu and everything sounded good I guess. I've never had any of these before. Alina looked good under this dim lighting. It felt different. Normally, this wouldn't happen at all. I think Alina is young from what she looks like to me.

"See anything that you would like." She asked me.

"Well they all sound good, but I've never really had any of these before." One thing that stood out the most for me is the shrimp alfredo.  There is more expensive things on here and I know she doesn't really care about the price.

I showed her the one that I do want and she just nodded. The waiter came to our table and basically gawked at Ms. Rivers. I kept quiet and let her do the talking. She order for the both of us, then gave me a small smile.  Once he left, I heard him mumbled something under his breath. Something in me want to say something out of line, but then again this side of me wanted me not to. I still don't know my consequences of speaking out of term,

Then a woman came back pouring us both glasses of red wine.

"Have you had any type of alcohol before."

"Yes." I was going to say more but I didn't.

"Yes what, I believe you were going to say something else." Alina placed her hand on top of mine to make me feel better I guess.

"Sometimes I needed something strong to get me through intercourse with some of the women that could be my mother and grandmother's age. So I've had my fair share of alcohol." I said. "May I ask a question?"

"Sure." She said with a smile.

"Not to be rude or anything, but how old are you. You seem young to me."

"I'm 27, so just a few years older than you."Well I'm glad is isn't that old. I felt some ease with it because things won'tbe so bad

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