Chapter 66

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Cynthia Miles-Martial POV

"I swear if all three of their asses are on that roof, they are staying and sleeping up there. Ain't no way on God's green earth the up there in this cold." I said.

"Well, honey." Daniel started laughing, " there is only one way to find out. Que get the camera."

" I think they are because they went to the basement when they started.." Alina said.

We all grabbed our coats and walked out to the back yard. I swear if they all are on that roof I whooping all of them. They are not old enough to stop getting whoopings.

"Iman!" Alina had yelled.

"Baby where are you!" we all looked up seeing all three of them on the roof.

"What the entire hell," I said.

"Baby there you are, you look so small from here baby," Iman said drunkenly. Bryan is laying on the roof smoking, and Alexis and Dinah are twerking.

"How did you get up there baby!" Alina yelled.

"I don't know. I'm cold, where my babies at." Iman yelled.

"You three are in big trouble when you all get down here," Vivian yelled at them. "Either you all jump in the pool or you all are sleeping up there."

I don't think that is a good idea, but hopefully, that would sober their asses up. Bryan was the first one to run off the roof and actually landed in the pool.

"Come on guys the pool is surprisingly warm!" Bryan yelled at them. Foolishly they all followed suit and Quentin got footage of that."

"I can't swim, I'm dying. I don't want to become a spooky ghosty." Iman said

"Ha spooky ghosty." Dinah laughed.

It's like Iman's 18th birthday all over again. I couldn't help but laugh at them. The first time in a long time has Iman enjoyed being around all her siblings. This is going to be one for the books. Quentin is still recording them, me and Viv are trying to get the four stooges off of our roof.

Alina Rivers POV

I can't believe not only they manage to get on top of the roof without us knowing they got up there. But they are completely wasted and I have to deal with an overly wet crossfaded Iman. Lord help me, I'm going to have to deal with three children.

I went back inside and grabbed a few towels for them. "Baby get out of the pool before you get sick."

Iman swam to the edge and tried to pull herself up. She failed the first three times.

"I'm stuck," she pouted while floating in the water.

"Baby, how about you go over there to the steps and use them to get out inside of climbing out."

Iman looked at me in amazement and smiled. I shook my head as she made her way over to the steps and got out of the pool.

"Look I did it." She cheered. Dinah and Alexis cheered her on and she started doing some type of dance.

"Good job baby, now let's get you out these wet clothes before you get sick." I went over to her and started drying her hair. Her eyes are red and low, but she still has this goofy smile on her face. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me duh." She said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand.


"You all are more than welcomed to stay here with us. I know you don't want to try and get three babies in the house." Quentin said as he went up the stairs

"Thank you so much." I said. Iman is still smoking in front of the fireplace with Alexis, Dinah, and Bryan.

I'm glad both Sayir and Samir are both sleep for tonight. All I have to get is to get the bigger baby to sleep. I called her over, and she came over to me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and gave her a kiss.

"Happy 24th birthday my love," I said. Iman sobered up after the plunge in the pool, and her shower.

"Thank you, I'm sleepy." She said. Iman basically pulled me into a hug.

"So no birthday sex?" I laughed. Iman placed her face in my neck and just kissed it.

"Tomorrow, right now I am super tired." I felt her smile in my neck and yawn.

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